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보통 현업에서는 로그를 어떤식으로 사용하나요? - 🌐 ASP.NET, Blazor, IIS, 웹 Q&A

서버를 돌리다가 에러가 발생하면 서버가 중단되면서 콘솔에 에러가 주르륵 출력이 되면, 이걸 보고 에러를 수정하고 다시 돌리는데, 이 때 문득 드는 생각이 개발 단계에서는 저 혼자 실행하고 에러가 발생하면 제가 어디서 어떻게 하다 에러가 발생했고 이런 것들이 어느정도 추측이 되니간 에러 수정이 수월한데, 만약 서비스라고 가정하면 어떤 유저가 어떻게 했는지 모르는...

IIS Logs and Splunk 6

Needless to say, we delivered a feature packed release in Splunk 6 a few weeks ago. With all the buzz around Data Model and Pivot, you might have missed a few of the other cool things we’ve been working on back in the bit factory. Historically, if you were going to Splunk anything with a file header, like a CSV or IIS log, we attempted to take the file header, read in the field names, and create a props and transforms for you in the learned app using DELIMS. While this worked ok for local file...

Detect WS_FTP Server Exploitation with Splunk Attack Range

A recently disclosed CVE-2023-40044, which targets Progress Software WS_FTP Server Ad Hoc module, highlights the importance of providing detection developer environments where they can replicate, validate, and produce data of ongoing exploitations campaigns with the purpose of developing detections to protect their organizations. As its name suggests, the named software is a file transfer application that is being targeted for exploitation. This application is developed by the same company that ...

Decoding IIS Logs

Status Code, Meaning ; 100, Continue ; 101, Switching Protocols ; 200, Client Request Succeeeded ; 201, Created ; 202, Accepted ; 203, Non-authoritative information ; 204, No content ; 205, Reset content ; 206, Partial content ; 301, Moved Permanently ; 302, Moved Temporarily ; 303, See Other ; 304, Not modified ; 305, Temporary redirect ; 400, Bad Request ; 401.1, Access Denied (Logon Failed) ; 401.2, Access Denied (Logon Failed due to server configuration) ; 401.3, Access Denied (Unauthorized due to ACL on resource) ; 401.4, Access Denied (Authorization failed by filter) ; 401.5, Access Denied (Authorization failed by ISAPI/CGI application) ; 401.7, Access Denied (By IIS6 URL authorization policy on web server) ; 403.1, Forbidden (Execute Access) ; 403.2, Forbidden (Read Access) ; 403.3, Forbidden (Write Access) ; 403.4, Forbidden (SSL Required) ; 403.5, Forbidden (128-bit SSL Required) ; 403.6, Forbidden (IP Address Rejected) ; 403.7, Forbidden (Client Certificate Required) ; 403.8, Forbidden (Site access denied) ; 403.9, Forbidden (Too many users) ; 403.10, Forbidden (Invalid configuration) ; 403.11, Forbidden (Password change) ; 403.12, Forbidden (Mapper Denied Access) ; 403.13, Forbidden (Client certificate revoked) ; 403.14, Forbidden (Directory listing denied) ; 403.15, Forbidden (Client Access Licenses exceeded) ; 403.16, Forbidden (Client certificate is untrusted) ; 403.17, Forbidden (Client certificate is expired) ; 403.18, Forbidden (Cannot execute URL in current application pool) ; 403.19, Forbidden (Cannot execute CGIs in current application pool) ; 403.20, Forbidden (Passport logon failed) ; 404.1, Not Found (Website not accessible on the requested port) ; 404.2, Not Found (Web service extension lockdown policy) ; 404.3, Not Found (MIME map policy) ; 404.4, Not Found (No Handler in IIS7) ; 404.5, Request Filtering (URL Sequence) ; 404.6, Request Filtering (Verb) ; 404.7, Request Filtering (File extension) ; 404.8, Request Filtering (Hidden namespace) ; 404.9, Request Filtering (Hidden File Attribute) ; 404.10, Request Filtering (Header is too long) ; 404.11, Request Filtering (URL double escaped) ; 404.12, Request Filtering (High-bit characters) ; 404.13, Request Filtering (Content length is too long) ; 404.14, Request Filtering (URL is too long) ; 404.15, Request Filtering (Query string is too long) ; 405, Method not allowed ; 406, Browser does not accept the media type ; 407, Proxy authentication required ; 412, Precondition failed ; 413, Request entity too large ; 414, Request-URI too long ; 415, Unsupported media type ; 416, Requested range not satisfiable ; 417, Execution failed ; 500.12, Web Server is restarting ; 500.13, Web server is too busy ; 500.15, You can’t have Global.asa ; 500.16, UNC authorization credentials are incorrect ; 500.18, URL authorization store cannot be opened ; 500.100, Internal ASP error ; 501, Header values specify a configuration that is not implemented ; 502.1, CGI application timeout ; 502.2, Error in CGI application ; 503, Service unavailable ; 504, Gateway timeout ; 505, HTTP version not supported

케세라세라: Splunk의 역슬래시 - 2nd

PS C:\Splunk\bin> .\splunk.exe restart · Splunkd: Stopped · Splunk> Be an IT superhero. Go home early. Checking http port [8000]: open · Checking mgmt port [8089]: open · Checking appserver port []: open · Checking kvstore port [8191]: open · Checking configuration... Done. Checking critical directories... Done · Checking indexes... · (skipping validation of index paths because not running as LocalSystem) · Validated: _audit _configtracker _internal _introspection...

Fantastic IIS Modules and How to Find Them

This blog showcases how to enable and ingest IIS operational logs, utilize PowerShell scripted inputs to ingest installed modules and simulate AppCmd and PowerShell adding new IIS modules and disab...

Splunk Add-on for Microsoft IIS | Splunkbase

Splunk Add-on for Microsoft IIS The Splunk Add-on for Microsoft IIS allows a Splunk software administrator to collect Web site activity data in the W3C log file format from Microsoft IIS...

Getting Started with Citrix in Splunk - [Part 1]

Users or Devices · NetScaler · Controller · Database · License Server · Virtual Desktop Agents

Splunk로 알아보는 이상징후 분석: Deep dive into web log, 저자: 강명훈 - Google Play 도서

Splunk로 알아보는 이상징후 분석: Deep dive into web log - 저자가 강명훈인 eBook입니다. PC, Android, iOS 기기에서 Google Play 북 앱을 사용해 이 책을 읽어 보세요. 책을 다운로드하여 오프라인으로...

Microsoft - Splunk Lantern

Splunk Supporting Add-on for Active Directory ; Detecting cloud federated credential abuse in Microsoft Office and Azure Active Directory ; Microsoft Azure Compute

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