중요한 이메일을 ****@**********.***으로 전달하면 작업 목록을 즉석에서 작성하고 필요할 때 알림을 보냅니다.Producteev는 이메일, IM, 웹, iPhone, Gmail, Google 캘린더… iPhone 앱 무료 등 편안하게 작업...
git composer require yireo/producteev-client:dev-master Usage First of all, see the documentation of Producteev on the usage of their API: https://www.producteev.com/api/doc/#Introduction...
Fri, 23 Sep 2016 14:34:47 -0700 (PDT) Return-Path: <*******+******-****-****_*******=******_*******@********.**********.***> Received: from o1.emailapp.producteev.com (o1.emailapp....
Producteev has 14 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Emogrifier by Pelago (http://www.pelagodesign.com/sidecar/emogrifier/) - GitHub - Producteev/Emogrifier: Emogrifier by Pelago (http://www.pelagodesign.com/sidecar/emogrifier/)
Jive Software is acquiring meetings.io, a real-time communications platform and Producteev, a cloud-based task management provider in a combined deal worth $7.6 million and 460,000 in Jive stock.
by customizing the layout/functionality beyond what the gadget offers. If you don't have an account yet, head to http://www.producteev.com/ and sign up. Developer website Support and FAQs
09 Infos For information about this API read Producteev documentation: https://www.producteev.com/api/doc/ To work this API need the following libraries: * httplib2 * oauth2client API Key...
Scala based wrapper for Producteev API (www.producteev.com) - GitHub - mgsnova/producteev-scala: Scala based wrapper for Producteev API (www.producteev.com)