Request Information ; We offer a highly adaptive M.S. in Computer Science program that lets you shape the degree around your interests. Besides our core curriculum in the fundamentals of computer science, you have a wealth of electives to choose from. You can tailor your degree to your professional goals and interests in areas such as cybersecurity, data science, information visualization, machine learning and AI, graphics, game engineering, responsible computing, algorithms, and web search tech...
University of Southern California, MS in Computer Science Spring 2023 합격 유학브레인과 함께 Computer Science 석사과정에 지원하신 학생분의 합격 소식입니다. 명문 대학인 University of Southern California의 가장 경쟁이 치열한 전공 중의 하나인 Computer Science 석사과정의 합격 레터입니다. 미국 서부의 최고의 명문 대학으로 꼽히는 University of Southern California의 컴퓨터 과학 석사과정은 컴퓨터 시스템의 설...
Gain cutting-edge expertise with our Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS). Through flexible electives aligned with your career goals, or two optional areas of specialization in data science...
The M.S. program is designed to help students increase the breadth and depth of their computer science knowledge, strengthen their software development skills, and build their research skills. Prof...
Program Objectives ; To equip students with both practical and theoretical knowledge of core Computer Science concepts. ; To foster independent and innovative thinking abilities in students. ; To prepare students for advanced research in both industrial and academic settings.
Are you interested in studying MS Computer Science: Cybersecurity Track with Capitol Technology University. Get the information you need by visiting this page!
MS Computer Science is committed to inculcate in its students strong analytical, critical, ethical and technical skills related to software development
Computer Science Hampton University offers the Master of Science (M.S.) program in Computer Science that is suitable for computer science majors, as well as those who have a strong interdisciplinar...
Department ; Level ; Colleges ; Learning Outcomes for MS Computer Science students include: Acquisition of hands-on experience with relevant software tools, languages, data models, and environments for data processing. Ability to communicate results of analysis effectively (visually and verbally) to a broad audience in the fields of biology, environment, finance and risk management, data science, business management, and other disciplines. An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define...
An MS in Computer Science prepares students to enter the CS field at an advanced level. Explore in-person and online master’s in Computer Science program.