Offering custom database programming services including MS Access, VBA (visual basic) and SQL since 1992. MS Access support services. (678) 773-6504
the MS-DOS world. [7] In the 1980s, Microsoft Access referred to an unrelated telecommunication program that provided terminal emulation and interfaces for ease of use in accessing online...
ADODB나 OLEDB로 ACCESS DB(mdb, accdb)를 사용할 때. 일련번호 형식의 SEQ라던지 Identity 필드값을 초기화 하는 방법. 참고로 MS-SQL 에서는 이렇게 처리한다. DBCC CHECKIDENT('테이블명',RESEED,0) 이렇게 하면 다음번 insert시에 시드가 1부터 시작하게 되고.. DBCC CHECKIDENT(...
[2] DAO provides an API that allows programmers to access JET databases using any programming language. Locking [edit] Jet allows multiple users to access the database concurrently. To...
Would you recommend working with multiple programmers on an MS Access application? One of our MS Access application has grown to the point where the number of changes (bug fixes) and new features ...
Offering custom database programming services including MS Access, VBA (visual basic) and SQL since 1992.
Custom database programming services including MS Access, VBA (visual basic) and SQL since 1992. MS Access support services. (770) 241-5452
Learn to design web like, modern MS Access forms, and a "Bigger picture" data approach in Access 2010
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Everything you need to know to fully understand MS Access 2013 & 2016. 28 hours of helpful professional training.