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※ 2018년 10월 기준 |SugarCRM(Sugar Community Edition)|https://community.sugarcrm.com| SugarCRM (2004) ...
Click Less, Sell More ; Guided Selling Leads to Sales Success ; Enhanced Analytics for Deeper Insights ; With CRM Everywhere, Enhance Every Interaction ; Integrate Sugar Sell with your current tools
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Sugar Sell is the #1 user-rated customer relationship management solution. Learn how Sugar's CRM can help improve your sales automation. Demo today!
List of functionalities ; SMS notifications about scheduled activities ; SMS notifications about actions performed in the system ; ECO and FULL message support
Adox Solutions has professional team of Sugar CRM website development programmers. We provide dynamic website in Sugar CRM with latest features and with useful extensions. We provide custom website...
This Bot will create new customer contacts in Sugar CRM by fetching the data from the XML input files.
When this happens... · Application Was Submitted · Triggers when an application is submitted for the first time. Note that there is a separate trigger for re-submitted applications. Trigger · Scheduled ; automatically do this! · Action · Write
Fully Managed & Monitored 24/7 · Security updates, management, monitoring, backups, we do everything leaving you to focus on your business. ; SugarCRM Specific Firewalls · Our Web Application Firewall protects your SugarCRM stores without causing disruption. ; Dedicated SugarCRM Enhancements · Our dedicated cloud platform delivers the resources needed for SugarCRM to fly.