글로벌 Top 1% 명문 뉴욕주립대 스토니브룩기술경영 석사(MSTM)와 서울과학종합대학원의MBA를 동시에 취득하는 복수학위 프로그램미국 뉴욕주립대 스토니브룩MS in TM(Technology Management)Ⅰ. 복수학위제도(Dual Degree Program)미국 뉴욕주립대 스토
Best of Business Management courses that teaches what they don't at even best MBA colleges. Good Executive / Mini MBA
Introduction to Product Management ; Understanding the role and responsibilities of a product manager. ; Identifying the key skills and qualities of a successful product manager.
Interested in studying MBA IT management online? IU is the place for you. With over 60,000 students worldwide, we have everything you need to succeed.
The WGU MBA in IT Management offers a relevant, affordable, and reputable master’s degree program online for aspiring business professionals. Earn your degree while staying at home.
Develop a comprehensive understanding of various theories and concepts related to organizational behaviour ; Recognize the impact of individual and group behaviour on organizational performance ; Apply leadership and communication strategies to enhance organizational effectiveness
Thinking about pursuing an advanced business degree? Here's the difference between a master's in management and MBA.
배울 내용 ; Understand about business from sales/marketing to crafting strategy ; How company operates in the real world ; How business theory is different than the practical one
Marketing Management | Marketing MBA | Product Marketing | Marketing Strategy | Marketing Plan | Digital Marketing
MBA는 전 세계적으로 가장 범용적으로 통용되는 학위 명칭 중 하나라서... 대부분 MBA라고 그대로 표기한다. # 경영학과의 석사 과정은 실무에 중점을 둔 MBA(Master of Business Administration)와 이론에 중점을 둔...