Understand the difference balances on your credit card. Learn how each impacts your credit score, avoid interest, and maximize your credit health.
A credit card balance is the total amount of money that you owe to your credit card company. The balance changes based on when and how the card is used.
We reviewed 2024's best balance transfer credit cards that offer low interest and long zero-interest periods, which help you manage debt effectively.
You can take advantage of promotional interest rates to transfer a credit card's balance to a new credit card. Balance transfers give you the opportunity to pay down debt.
Believing this myth about credit cards could actually harm your credit score in the long run. Here's why people tend to fall for it anyway.
We've put together a list of the top balance transfer cards that can help you pay down debt without immediately accruing more interest.
We analyzed hundreds of balance transfer credit cards with a 0% intro APR period and dug into each card's perks and drawbacks to find the best ones.
Balance transfer credit cards offer low introductory APRs that can help you pay your balance down faster.
This credit card balance transfer calculator can help you determine when your debt will be paid off, based on the information you enter.
Before you transfer a balance to a credit card with a lower interest rate, understand its effect on new purchases and other costly fine-print traps.