Affordable, fast, lightweight and good-looking helpdesk ticketing system. On-premises option available. Free to try.
Learn about the best ticketing software and how it can help you get organized, deliver great customer service, and scale your business.
한결같이 우수한 고객 서비스를 제공하는 것은 결코 쉬운 일이 아닙니다. 하지만 올바른 통합 티켓 관리 시스템이 있으면 가능합니다.
배울 내용 ; Understand your customers needs and design an intake process to support them ; Design processes to support a successful ticketing systems or help desk ; Use queues in Jira to allow Agents to focus on which tickets need work
Get organized with the best help desk ticketing system that turns all support requests, from both customers and employees, into tickets.
Our robust IT helpdesk software & ticketing for IT teams & MSPs provides 360 degree visibility into incidents, tickets, & endpoints without unnecessary context switching.
최고의 무료 통합 티켓 관리 시스템을 선택하거나 무료 평가판을 시작하여 비즈니스가 최고의 고객 서비스 경험을 제공할 수 있도록 지원하세요.
최고의 기업이 이 강의를 직원에게 제공합니다 이 강의는 전 세계 기업에서 신뢰하는 당사 평점 TOP 강의의 컬렉션을 위해 선택되었습니다. 자세히 알아보기
A helpdesk solution so powerful yet never overwhelming. Manage all your customer communications in one place and deliver great service experience.
The ultimate solution to improve your customer service & satisfaction. ; Create tickets for reported issues automatically and manually ; Raise tickets via chat, email, web forms, IVR Calls, and API ; Refer to any reported issue & the provisioned solution ; Enables Swift & seamless usability for agents