IBM mainframe (running OS or DOS/VSE). [14] A GDG is usually cataloged. [13] An individual member of the GDG collection is called a "Generation Data Set." [13][15] The latter may be...
배울 내용 ; Create your own JCL and execute it. ; Ultimate package of source code of at least 20 utilities and JCL. ; To clear the jobs interview on JCL ; Compile a COBOL program and run it using a JCL
최고의 기업이 이 강의를 직원에게 제공합니다 이 강의는 전 세계 기업에서 신뢰하는 당사 평점 TOP 강의의 컬렉션을 위해 선택되었습니다. 자세히 알아보기
Learn the core skill needed to apply for a Mainframe Developer and Testing ; Acquire essential Mainframes basics to Advanced on Modules of JCL ; Be able to demonstrate your understanding on Mainframe to anyone.. ; Learn all the Real time examples like a Mainframe Developer Professional
관련성이 더 높은 업데이트 ; Monika Kalinga ; J Trainer ; Mainframe Forum ; Maintec Technologies - USA ; Thomas Lambert ; I have just attempted Entry Level Developer - Mainframe - Beginner test by Capgemini on DoSelect ; Hariharan Iyappan
JCL Refresher in One Hour ; JobCard in JCL - Mainframe JCL Practical Tutorial - Part 1 (Vol Revised) ; Mainframe JCL Interview Q & A - # 1
배울 내용 ; Create and Execute COBOL DB2 Programs with Ease ; Master the concepts of Cursor ; Develop and Design their own tables using DDL operations on Mainframe ; Students will be able to perform all DML operations like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and SELECT on table.
IBM Documentation.
Master the TSO/ISPF commands on Mainframe to excel in your work and project ; Students will be able to create basic COBOL program and JCL and perform all TSO/ISPF operations in them. ; Perform all the major TSO/ISPF operations and line commands on COBOL Program ; Reduce daily work by 20% by applying these TSO/ISPF commands
Nightly GDG backup of TSO libraries I was “voluntold” to create the TSO CVS tool Suite 3 April 2006 Benefits of Mainframe CVS Facilitate Branching of code Allow multiple developers...