Applying to college can get expensive. Getting a college application fee waiver and testing fee waivers can help curb those costs.
If you qualify for SAT fee waivers, you can also get your application fees waived at more than 2,000 participating colleges.
Frequently asked questions about college application fee waivers distributed by the College Board to eligible students beginning in the 2014-15 academic year.
Free College Benefits ; Unlimited score reports to send to colleges ; Waived application fees at participating colleges ; Free CSS Profile™ applications to apply for financial aid from participating schools
Frequently asked questions about college application fee waivers distributed by the College Board to eligible students beginning in the 2014-15 academic year.
The Coalition provides an easy-to-use college application fee waiver, with no documentation needed. Learn how to apply to many schools for free.
Frequently Asked Questions ; What are college application fee waivers? ; How do I receive a college application fee waiver? ; When should I request a college application fee waiver?
Do You Need an Application Fee Waiver Letter Sample? ; Get a CUNY Fee Waiver the Easy Way ; How To Get a Northeastern Fee Waiver
If you choose to request a fee waiver directly from College Board, please: Read the Fee Waiver: Student Self-Identification resource below for an overview of the process. Be mindful of registration deadlines and request fee waivers early so you can apply those benefits in a timely manner. Please aim to submit your request as early as possible and at least 1–2 weeks before the registration deadline. Be prepared to share the contact information of an adult who can verify your eligibility. ...
Free college applications can save qualifying students hundreds of dollars in fees.