Ataxic cerebral palsy The cerebellum (shown in red) is the region of the brain affected by ataxic cerebral palsy Specialty Neurology Ataxic cerebral palsy is clinically in approximately 5...
제외 G80 유전성 강직성 하반신마비(G11.4) G80.0 강직성 뇌성마비 G80.00 강직성 양마비성 뇌성마비 G80.01 강직성 편마비성 뇌성마비 G80.02 강직성 사지마비성 뇌성마비 G80.08 기타...
Dyskinetic cerebral palsy (DCP) is a subtype of cerebral palsy (CP) and is characterized by impaired muscle tone regulation, coordination and movement control. Dystonia and choreoathetosis...
Cerebral Palsy Programme ; Cerebral Palsy Aetiology and Pathology ; Cerebral Visual Impairment and Cerebral Palsy
Dyskinetic cerebral palsy Other names Dyskinetic cerebral palsy The basal ganglia are... [1] Unlike spastic or ataxic cerebral palsies, ADCP is characterized by both hypertonia and...
[1] For example, those with stiff muscles have spastic cerebral palsy, poor coordination in locomotion have ataxic cerebral palsy, and writhing movements have dyskinetic cerebral palsy. [7]...
Spastic cerebral palsy A child with spastic cerebral palsy Specialty Neurology Spastic cerebral palsy is the type of cerebral palsy characterized by spasticity or high muscle tone often...
others Ataxic cerebral palsy Athetoid cerebral palsy Dyskinetic cerebral palsy Diagnosis General movements assessment Measurement scales Gross Motor Function Classification System...
腦性痲痺 / Cerebral Palsy 여러 원인인자에 의해 미성숙한 뇌 혹은 뇌의 손상으로 인해 임상적으로 운동과 자세의 이상을 보이는 비진행성 증후군. 뇌성마비에 걸린 아동들은 마비로 인하여 자발적인 운동이...
Cerebral palsy (CP) refers to a group of neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement and muscle coordination. CP is caused by damage to or...