A yield spread premium (YSP) is the money or rebate paid to a mortgage broker for giving a borrower a higher interest rate on a loan in exchange for lower up front costs, generally paid in origination fees, broker fees or discount points. This “may [be used to] wipe out or offset other lo...
A yield spread premium (YSP) is a commission a mortgage broker receives for selling an interest rate to a borrower that is higher than the best rate they can get
spread premiums to brokers who identify borrowers willing to pay higher yield spreads. See also I-spread Option-adjusted spread Spread trade Yield curve Yield spread premium Z-spread Notes
A yield spread is the net difference between two interest bearing instruments, expressed in terms of percent or basis points (bps).
Spreads on U.S. high yield bonds, or the premium companies pay over U.S. Treasuries, remain tight despite a pick-up in distress within the asset class, as investors see the majority of issuers weat...
채권 시장의 장기물 상품 수익률(또는 금리)과 단기물 상품 수익률(또는 금리) 차이(spread)를 장단기 금리차라고 한다. 가장 대표적으로 꼽는 장단기 금리차는 미국채 10년 물과 미국채 2년 물 금리의 차이, 그리고...
A credit spread reflects the difference in yield between a Treasury and corporate bond of the same maturity. It's a crucial economic indicator, and also refers to an options strategy.
Among some investors, there is the belief that high yield only makes sense when spreads reach certain levels.
Last May I wrote a blog item called The Yield Spread Premium: A Dirty Not-So-Secret in Real Estate. Now, presidential candidate Christopher Dodd is proposing legislation that would severely restric...
The most well-known is the yield spread, which compares the interest rates of two bonds with different credit qualities or maturities. For instance, the spread between U.S. Treasury bonds...