The Electron Cloud Model was of the greatest contributions of the 20th century, leading to a revolution in physics and quantum theory
Features include: ; The ability to label images or video frames ; Extensible model for importing data from local or cloud storage providers ; Extensible model for exporting labeled data to local or cloud storage providers
Electrons can be created through beta decay of radioactive... of the opposite sign. When an electron collides with a... electricity was not from different types of electrical fluid, but a...
Compared to the current desktop solutions for electron microscopy simulations, cloud computing offers the unique advantages of on-demand, data sharing, high-performance computation and...
Config Name, Required, Description ; appDirectory, Yes, The folder path of your Electron app ; outputDirectory, No, The folder path to create the .exe installer in. Defaults to the installer folder at the project root. ; loadingGif, No, The local path to a .gif file to display during install. ; authors, Yes, The authors value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the author field from your app's package.json file when unspecified. ; owners, No, The owners value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the authors field when unspecified. ; exe, No, The name of your app's main .exe file. This uses the name field in your app's package.json file with an added .exe extension when unspecified. ; description, No, The description value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the description field from your app's package.json file when unspecified. ; version, No, The version value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the version field from your app's package.json file when unspecified. ; title, No, The title value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the productName field and then the name field from your app's package.json file when unspecified. ; name, No, Windows Application Model ID (appId). Defaults to the name field in your app's package.json file. ; certificateFile, No, The path to an Authenticode Code Signing Certificate ; certificatePassword, No, The password to decrypt the certificate given in certificateFile ; signWithParams, No, Params to pass to signtool. Overrides certificateFile and certificatePassword . ; iconUrl, No, A URL to an ICO file to use as the application icon (displayed in Control Panel > Programs and Features). Defaults to the Atom icon. ; setupIcon, No, The ICO file to use as the icon for the generated Setup.exe ; skipUpdateIcon, No, Disables setting the icon of Update.exe . This can solve installation errors with the following message: "This application could not be started", when the setup is built on a non-Windows system. ; setupExe, No, The name to use for the generated Setup.exe file ; setupMsi, No, The name to use for the generated Setup.msi file ; noMsi, No, Should Squirrel.Windows create an MSI installer? ; noDelta, No, Should Squirrel.Windows delta packages? (disable only if necessary, they are a Good Thing) ; remoteReleases, No, A URL to your existing updates. If given, these will be downloaded to create delta updates ; remoteToken, No, Authentication token for remote updates ; frameworkVersion, No, Set the required .NET framework version, e.g. net461 ; windowsSign, No, Use @electron/windows-sign for advanced codesigning. See documentation for details.
WebTorrent - Streaming torrent client. Min - Minimal web browser. Hyper - Terminal. Visual Studio Code - Cross-platform IDE.
The first commit to the electron/electron repository was on March 13, 20131. 10 years and 27,147 more commits from 1192 unique contributors later, Electron has become one of the most popular frameworks for building desktop applications today. This milestone is the perfect opportunity to celebrate and reflect on our journey so far, and to share what we’ve learned along the way. We would not be here today without everyone who has dedicated their time and effort to contribute to the project. Alth...
The Standard Model predicts that particles surrounding electrons do affect an electron's shape, but at such an infinitesimal scale as to be pretty much undetectable using existing...
The properties of our Universe intimately depend on the values of fundamental constants: the speed of light, the strength of the gravitational force, Planck’s constant, the masses of the fundamental particles, and more. For most of these properties, we could increase or decrease the values of those constants significantly, and the Universe would remain mostly the same: with stars, galaxies, and the potential for life. However, one fundamental constant that we couldn’t change by very much is the mass of the electron, otherwise complex molecu ...
Leanote - Cloud notepad. Snapper - Screen capturing & recording for Android... google-music-electron - Unofficial Google music app. Pomodoro - Timer based on the Pomodoro Technique. Sia-UI...