The Apache Software Foundation Sponsorship Program ; The Apache Software Foundation provides support for the Apache community of open-source software projects. Apache projects use a collaborative, consensus-based development process, an open and pragmatic software license, and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. We consider ourselves not simply a group of projects sharing a server, but rather a community of developers and users. By sponsoring the ASF you sho...
Each project's PMC is independent. PMCs are free to set community and technical direction for their project, and are directly responsible for overseeing releases and the healthy development of their communities. PMCs are responsible f ...
As soon as the Apache Group, the precursor to the ASF, had a useful version of the Apache Server, it wanted to share it widely. This required having a download site from which interested parties could retrieve the latest version of the software. A single download site could handle a few requests at a time, but as demand expanded rapidly, the volume of download requests became more than a single site could handle. In addition, the further away the request came from, the longer the download would take, and the possibility of losing connections an ...
dev@ (primary project development) ; user@ (user community discussion and peer support) ; commits@ (automated source change notifications)
Frequent Questions about Apache Licensing ; May I translate the Apache license into my local language for my redistribution of Apache packages? ; Is the Apache license compatible with the GPL (GNU Public License)? ; What is the scope of patent grants made to the ASF?
org/licenses The Apache License is a permissive free software license written by the Apache... So what the license means in different jurisdictions may vary and is hard to predict."[14] See...
The Apache-2.0 license, and the Apache Individual Contribution License Agreement, both remind contributors that they are responsible for disclosing any copyrighted materials in submitted contributions that are not their original creation. This is as true when using generative AI tooling, as it is when using materials from public websites or code from other open-source projects. When disclosing these materials, contributors should also identify the licensing for these materials. The ASF maintains a 3rd Party Licensing Policy that provides guidan ...
Updating the Apache website ; You can help improve the website. ; If you have changes to propose to the top-level ASF documentation (/foundation/ and most /dev pages), open a GitHub Issue. ; For changes to pages in /dev that relate to Infrastructure, send patches using the Infra issues tracker. Do not reveal obviously sensitive information, such as the name of any private mailing lists. ; Note: PMC chairs are responsible for ensuring that the portions of the website which relate to their PMC are up to date.
Apache Camel ™ is a versatile open-source integration framework based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns. Camel empowers you to define routing and mediation rules in a variety of domain-specific languages (DSL, such as Java, XML, Groovy and YAML). This means you get smart completion of routing rules in your IDE, whether in a Java or XML editor. Apache Camel uses URIs to work directly with any kind of transport or messaging model such as HTTP, Kafka, JMS, JBI, SCA, MINA or CXF, as well as pluggable Components and Data Format options. Apa ...
ASF is the global home for the world’s leading open source projects for data, cloud, search, libraries, geospatial, IoT, and many more categories. Open source software is software with source code that anyone can view, edit, and contribute to. An open source project includes all aspects of creating, maintaining, and distributing open source software including community building and mentoring, communication, the release process, and everything in between. Anyone! There are many ways to contribute including code, documentation, writing blogs, p ...