Get the information you need about a criminal justice degree. Explore types of degrees, what to expect as a criminal justice major, possible jobs, and more.
Interested in law enforcement? Find out how an ACC criminal justice associate degree can lead to a career in police, law, social services, and more.
A criminal justice degree is an interdisciplinary degree that provides the knowledge you need to enter a variety of jobs in the field. Let’s take a look at some positions.
A bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from University of Maryland Global Campus can help prepare you for a career protecting and serving the public.
Where should you earn your online criminal justice degree? Learn about the 10 best schools offering online bachelor’s degrees in criminal justice.
A complete guide to earning a degree in criminal justice including salaries, career options, and degree requirements.
Take the Next Step in Your Career with a Criminal Justice Degree Online ; Are you interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement? Perhaps you’re looking to protect your community as a first-time police officer. Maybe you’ve worked as a law enforcement officer for years – but you’d like to earn a career-enhancing credential and pursue positions of added responsibility. If either of these sounds like you, Liberty’s online criminal justice degree may be exactly what you need. ...
Want to help victims of crime get justice and hold the correct individuals accountable. ; Projected Growth: 7% through 2026 ; Projected Growth: Not reported
Apply for the law enforcement track within the online bachelor’s degree in criminal justice at UMGC and advance your career.
What to Do With a Criminal Justice Degree. See criminal justice major jobs, career paths, job openings, and advice on how to get a job.