What Is a Credit Card? A credit card is a thin rectangular piece of plastic or metal issued by a bank or financial services company that allows cardholders to borrow funds to pay for goods...
Credit cards are a great way to build credit and can provide expanded buying power. Familiarize yourself with what a credit card is, so you can benefit from using one.
A credit facility is a type of loan made in a business or corporate finance context, such as revolving credit, term loans, and committed facilities.
What is a credit card? It allows you to borrow money from your bank to make your purchases, whether you’re buying a burger or a round-trip ticket to France.
A credit card closing date signifies the end of your billing cycle. This determines how much you owe when your credit card payment is due.
A credit score is a number from 300 to 850 that rates a consumer’s creditworthiness. The higher the score, the better a borrower looks to potential lenders.
Credit history is the ongoing documentation of your financial information, including repayment of your debts. Your credit history is an essential part of your credit report.
Learn what a credit report is, how it affects your financial health, and why it's crucial for loans, mortgages, and more.
A credit limit is the maximum amount of credit a financial institution extends to a borrower, such as on a credit card or a line of credit.
From a mortgage loan to a credit card, a good credit score matters. Here's what to do to get a high number.