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what does 'y' stand for in apt-get install? [duplicate]

Could anyone clarify what does the sudo apt-get install -y <package> do? what exactly does the -y stand for?

What do the letters stand for in APT errors?

If I run apt-cache show nonexistent, I get this error: N: Unable to locate package nonexistent E: No packages found I know the E stands for "Error", and a W would stand for "Warning", but what do...

command line - What does ~$ stand for?

What does ~$ stand for? For example: user@ubuntu:~$ So far I know that the $ sign is a symbol for a regular user. If I'm not mistaken root have # at the end. I also found a lot of commands in the

What is an advanced persistent threat (APT)?

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What is APT and why does it matter? | Net Force님이 토픽에 대해 올림

Time for #TuesdayTrivia with Net Force! Question: What does APT stand for? -Advanced Penetration Test -Active Persistent Tracker -Aggressive Phishing…

What does "sudo apt-get update" do?

I am wondering what sudo apt-get update does? What does it update?

What does "apt-get install !!" do and how to make it work?

I have seen someone typing · He did that a few times and every time, a different program was installed. It seems like it automatically figured out what is needed next. However, when I tried it on my Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS virtual machine, it just showed some usage instructions. Googling for apt-get install !! doesn't seem to work very well. Many search results do not contain the double exclamation mark. What does apt-get install !! do and what could be missing on my machine that it did not work?

What Does SOS Stand For?

You know it's a distress signal, but what does it actually stand for? A lot of people think it's an abbreviation for “save our souls.” (It's not.)

What commands (exactly) should replace the deprecated apt-key?

Share · Follow ; edited Aug 22, 2022 at 3:47 · david6 · 14.5k · 5 · 37 · 46 ; asked Oct 24, 2020 at 13:33 · user1160711 · 2,417 · 3 · 15 · 13

What does -y mean in apt-get -y install command?

I always see commands like this apt-get -y install What is the -y tag for and what is the difference between apt-get install with and without the -y tag?

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