Donate Real Estate ; Donating real estate to support DAV and veterans is fast and easy! The proceeds from your property donation allow DAV to continue providing lifetime support for veterans of all generations and their families. Our program takes any property type (land, homes, commercial) in any location so long as there is equity. Even if you owe back taxes, have a mortgage balance or have deferred maintenance, it’s no problem. We will pay off all loans, liens, commissions owed and all clos...
Support a charitable cause by donating your vehicle to Veteran Car Donations. Click here to learn more about us.
Donate your car, boat, truck, RV, motorcycle or any other vehicle to help disabled veterans. Your donation provides support, encouragement and a better life.
Donate your car to help veterans in need - DAV makes it easy with free pick-up and tax benefits. Donate a car today and make a difference!
TO VETERANS ORGANIZATION Call us at 1-800-336-1885 or Fill out the online form Donating your... Free Local Towing : We will pick up your car donation, running or not, when it’s most...
Donate your car, truck, boat, RV or other vehicle in North Carolina to benefit veterans. You get free towing and a great tax deduction for your donation.
Let's Chow is a 501c3 nonprofit designed to provide services for military veterans through cooking therapy, cookware donations, culinary education, and business advice for anyone from home chefs to aspiring food truck or restaurant owners.
Donate car, truck, boat, or any other vehicle in Michigan to benefit veterans in need. Car donations are tax deductible! We make the process easy!
Donate car, truck, boat, motorcycle to benefit veterans. Receive free pick up and towing of your vehicle anywhere in Texas. We make the process easy!
Car donation charity program for purple Heart, homeless, and disabled veterans. 100% tax deductible.