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php - Curl cannot verify wildcard SSL certificate issued by Verisign

I have a script that needs to use cURL to securely connect to a web site, foo.bar.com that is covered by a wildcard SSL certificate for *.bar.com. The wildcard certificate is issued by Verisign, a...

DigiCert Basic Wildcard SSL 인증서 가격 및 발급 (OV, 기관인증, 와일드카드)

DigiCert Basic Wildcard Organization Validation SSL 인증서 ; 디지서트(DigiCert) 는 2003년에 설립되었으며, 2017년에 Symantec(VeriSign) 을 인수합병 하였으며 저명한 인증기관 중에 하나입니다. 주로 중대형 웹사이트 및 개인정보 보호가 필요한 곳 등에 적합합니다. OV 인증 제품이며, SiteSeal 을 통해서 인증서 확인 제공 및 다양한 모바일 환경에도 대응합니다.

DigiCert Secure Site Wildcard SSL 인증서 가격 및 발급 (OV, 기관인증, 와일드카드)

DigiCert Secure Site Wildcard Organization Validation SSL 인증서 ; 디지서트(DigiCert) 는 2003년에 설립되었으며, 2017년에 Symantec(VeriSign) 을 인수합병 하였으며 저명한 인증기관 중에 하나입니다. 주로 중대형 웹사이트 및 개인정보 보호가 필요한 곳 등에 적합합니다. OV 인증 제품이며, SiteSeal 을 통해서 인증서 확인 제공 및 다양한 모바일 환경에도 대응합니다.

Wildcard DNS record

Registries/ISPs Several domain name registrars have, at various times, deployed wildcard records for the top-level domains to provide a platform for advertising, most notably VeriSign for...

Advisory Concerning Demand to Remove VeriSign's Wildcard

A summary of 2003 events leading to ICANN request that Verisign suspend its SiteFinder wildcard service or be in breach of its registry agreement with ICANN.

Wildcard certificate spoofs web authentication

Security researcher Moxie Marlinspike created what he called a universal wildcard certificate that in many ways resembles certificate authority certificates that VeriSign and other...

VeriSign Adds Wildcard | KLDP

http://slashdot.org/articles/03/09/16/0034210.shtml VeriSign이 TLD(최상위 도메인) 레코드에다가 와일드카드를 넣었다는 이야기인 것 같습니다. 이것이 정확히 무슨 의미이고, 또 어떤 문제가 있는지...

Search .com and .net domains already registered - CheapNames Wildcard Whois Search

Enter first few letters ; And so you can see that no-one has registered CarolinaVacuumCleaners.com! which is great because I was looking for a name for my hoover store .. ;) · Hint! Domain names (Internet addresses ..) are the same name whether you use UPPER or lower case, or a MixTure .. type GOOGLE.com or google.com in your browser - it's all the same · How to interpret the search results The search matches hyphens (-) before letters and can only show a maximum of 50 results at a time. So ...

domain name - Whois wildcard query

This will return max 50 records , priority: -,0-9,a-z From a web interface to the Internic WHOIS: Wildcard Whois web app Verisign wildcard lookups are also provided at: whois.crsnic.net...

ICANN | Archives | Verisign's Wildcard Service Deployment

Verisign's Wildcard Service Deployment On September 15, 2003, VeriSign changed the way the COM and NET registries responded when presented with uninstantiated names. Instead of returning...

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