The following table contains the searchable indexes (also known as “field codes”) supported by Patent Public Search’s Advanced Search interface for the U.S. Patents Full-Text Database, the US PGPUB database and the USOCR database. The ALIAS column contains the searchable index abbreviation to use in search statements in the Search pane. Range searching can be done on indexes that have valued (numeric) data. An example: @PD>=20090106<=20090113
Benefits of hiring an attorney include: ; Providing you crucial legal advice about your trademark. ; Conducting your trademark clearance search before you file an application. ; Preparing your application accurately.
On this page ; Am I required to hire a U.S.-licensed attorney to represent me at the USPTO? ; What can an attorney do for me? ; Why must my attorney be licensed to practice law in the United States?
Individuals and companies are trying to scam the USPTO by soliciting the use of U.S.-licensed attorney credentials and soliciting U.S.-licensed attorneys to sponsor support staff they’re not author...
Searching the USPTO’s trademark database is an important part of doing a comprehensive clearance search before you apply for a trademark registration.
At Cohen IP, we perform comprehensive US and foreign trademark searches. Our searches include a follow-up consultation with a trademark attorney to discuss the search results and to dig into the pr...
직급 : 과장·부장, 고용형태 : 풀타임, 직종 : 법률, 업계 : 법률 서비스 ; LinkedIn이 처음이세요? 회원 가입 가입이나 로그인을 하기 위해 계속 버튼을 클릭하면 LinkedIn 사용자약관, 개인정보 처리방침, 쿠키정책에 동의하게 됩니다.
You may also wish to find a patent attorney or agent to help draft the required description of the invention and claims, and any required drawings. This page provides information on the types of patents and types of patent applications, and the examination process. It also covers how to conduct a preliminary search and find registered patent practitioners to help with your application. We also walk you through how to file your applic ...
Therefore, a search of all previous public disclosures should be conducted, including a search of foreign patents and printed publications. A public disclosure of the invention made by, or that originated from, the inventor or a joint inventor more than one year prior to fil ...
A copy of the Federal Register notice appears at the Office's Internet Web site at the Federal Register notices web page, presently located at · Final Rule: Power of Attorney Practice and Assignment Rules · Clarification of Power of Attorney Practice, and Revisions to Assignment Rules, 69 Fed. Reg. 29865 [PDF] (May 26, 2004) (final rule). Prepared June 22, 2004 by: Office of Patent Legal Administration (OPLA) Robert J. Spar, D...