When water "runs off" the land surface, that’s runoff! Due to gravity, the water you wash your car with runs down the driveway as you work, and rain runs downhill. Runoff is an important component...
Water and the chemicals it contains are constantly being exchanged between the land surface and the subsurface. Surface water seeps into the ground and recharges the underlying aquifer—groundwater...
Message from the Associate Director · Learn more about the Mission Area from the Associate Director for Water Resources. Read ; Water Data for the Nation · Water data collected at approximately 1.9 million sites across all 50 states. Get data
Location and Physical Setting ; Topography · Population · Land Use and Land Cover
Surface-water sources include streams and rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and oceans. For the purposes of the USGS water-use reports, surface water with less than 1,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of...
Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water Information System (NWIS) is a comprehensive and distributed application that supports the acquisition, processing, and long-term storage of water data. Water Data for the Nation serves as the publicly available portal to a geographically seamless set of much of the water data maintained within NWIS. Nationally, USGS surface-water data includes more than 850,000 station years of time-series data that describe stream levels, streamflow (discharge), reserv...
Jan: 350, Feb: 248, Mar: 317, Apr: 719 ; Jan: 334, Feb: 246, Mar: 312, Apr: 711 ; Jan: 314, Feb: 261, Mar: 312, Apr: 689 ; Jan: 337, Feb: 256, Mar: 326, Apr: 760 ; Jan: 355, Feb: 262, Mar: 330, Apr: 734 ; Jan: 339, Feb: 263, Mar: 364, Apr: 680 ; Jan: 326, Feb: 249, Mar: 414, Apr: 668 ; Jan: 447, Feb: 255, Mar: 439, Apr: 665 ; Jan: 441, Feb: 228, Mar: 458, Apr: 638 ; Jan: 368, Feb: 222, Mar: 467, Apr: 639 ; Jan: 380, Feb: 251, Mar: 487, Apr: 641 ; Jan: 416, Feb: 230, Mar: 484, Apr: 659 ; Jan: 451, Feb: 228, Mar: 470, Apr: 677 ; Jan: 437, Feb: 212, Mar: 468, Apr: 687 ; Jan: 396, Feb: 212, Mar: 521, Apr: 719 ; Jan: 351, Feb: 229, Mar: 480, Apr: 694 ; Jan: 331, Feb: 245, Mar: 446, Apr: 680 ; Jan: 366, Feb: 333, Mar: 465, Apr: 569 ; Jan: 430, Feb: 253, Mar: 461, Apr: 521 ; Jan: 417, Feb: 256, Mar: 491, Apr: 526 ; Jan: 313, Feb: 276, Mar: 483, Apr: 502 ; Jan: 277, Feb: 322, Mar: 498, Apr: 499 ; Jan: 280, Feb: 335, Mar: 521, Apr: 526 ; Jan: 462, Feb: 302, Mar: 489, Apr: 502 ; Jan: 460, Feb: 372, Mar: 494, Apr: 442 ; Jan: 394, Feb: 384, Mar: 518, Apr: 446 ; Jan: 349, Feb: 358, Mar: 574, Apr: 452 ; Jan: 316, Feb: 400, Mar: 630, Apr: 438 ; Jan: 293, Feb: 475, Mar: 742, Apr: 423 ; Jan: 273, Feb: , Mar: 816, Apr: 423 ; Jan: 278, Feb: , Mar: 738, Apr:
All Surface Water Science Topics · View a list of all of our science topics about surface water. Learn more ; Surface Water and the Water Cycle · The various forms of surface water are integral parts of the natural water cycle. Explore
Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions Gallery ; Groundwater/surface-water interactions along Ellerbe Creek in Durham, North Carolina, 2016–18 ; Groundwater/ Surface Water Chemical Exchange
Groundwater-Surface water interactions research: Past trends and future directions ; Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions Gallery ; Groundwater chemistry and groundwater-surface water interactions in the Soos Creek watershed