I have two admins accounts A and B in Window 7. I want to disable User Management for B admin account. My approach that I took was I hide the User Management options from control Panel for B fro...
i cannot find the IIS management console on Windows7 in the Turn windows features on or off section. please advise on how to get the IIS management Console. Thank you
How to create, resize or delete disk partitions without having to purchase additional software, using the Disk Management tool in Windows.
Windows 10 Disk Management is a built-in tool that can create, delete, format, extend and shrink partitions, and initialize a new hard drive as MBR or GPT.
If a user account in Windows has no administrator rights, you can add it to the local administrator group to grant it administrator privileges.
In order to use WEBDEPLOY feature from Visual STudio 2015, it is required that the IIS instance you want to deploy to has Remote Management configured, including user configuration. It is not possi...
MMC 1.1, shipped with SQL Server 7.0 and Systems Management Server 2.0, and also made available as a download for Windows 9x and Windows NT. New features: [2] Snap-in taskpads Wizard-style...
I have a database backup located in my Windows 7 Documents folder (C:\Users\Aaron\Documents...), and I'm trying to restore it using SQL Server Management Studio. However, the program is unable to
I’ve got IIS installed and enabled on Windows 7, but I don’t know where to open it so that I can configure a website. I seem to remember that in Windows XP it was somewhere in the Control Panel, b...
This tutorial includes instructions on how to open the Windows 7 Control Panel to get to User Management in Windows 7.