Multimedia Information Group (MIG) Laboratory COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT
University of Bridgeport is acclaimed for its expert faculty, career-oriented programs, and flexible degree options. Explore online and on-campus programs.
University of Bridgeport is excited to announce the launch of its new program, associate degree in Nursing (ADN). Explore this comprehensive RN degree.
/PRNewswire/ -- University of Bridgeport (UB) is excited to announce the addition of men's NCAA Division II Wrestling and the appointment of Mario Morgan as...
Hartford HealthCare and University of Bridgeport announce a partnership to bring expanded comprehensive healthcare services on campus. Learn more.
University of Bridgeport is pleased to provide you access to its computing and information facilities, for the pursuit of supporting your educational goals.
University of Bridgeport는 1927년도에 설립된 사립학교입니다. 코네티컷주 최초의 주니어 단과대학으로 시작 되어 오늘날 종합 대학으로 발전 된 학교 입니다. 총 학생수 약 4,800여명의 소규모학교로 30개 이상의 학부전공과 14개의 대학원프로그램이 있습니다. 교수 대 학생은 11:1정도이고 200명의 교수진이 있습니다. 미국의 권위 있는 잡지인 US news and World report지에 따르면 이 학교는 미...
University of Bridgeport’s orientation program is a collaborative effort to provide programs and services to new first year, transfer, and graduate students.
Enable outstanding students to obtain recognition of superior educational achievement that emphasizes the computing sciences as well as liberal arts, sciences, and other professional and interdisciplinary education in the context of individual and societal responsibilities, Assist in maximizing the personal and professional growth of students in UPE by financially supporting scholarships and other creative endeavors that include the discovery, integration, and application of knowledge, Establish significant partnerships with external constituen ...
Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity at UB. University of Bridgeport is growing as a research institution, transforming both its academic community and the larger region through our innovati...