Umbilical cord compression is the obstruction of blood flow through the umbilical cord secondary to pressure from an external object or misalignment of the cord itself. Cord compression happens in about one in 10 deliveries. Causes Nuchal cord, when the umbilical cord is (tightly) around t...
Cord compression may refer to: Spinal cord compression Umbilical cord compression
Umbilical cord compression happens as a result of pressure flattening or stretching the umbilical cord, affecting blood flow to the baby. Learn more.
There are three varieties of cord prolapse: Overt cord prolapse - if the presenting part of the fetus does not fit the pelvis snugly after membrane rupture, there is a risk that the umbilical cord can slip past and present at the cervix or descend into the vagina. This is known as overt cord prolapse. It represents an acute obstetric emergency, as prolapse exposes the cord to intermittent compression compromising the fetal circulation. Depending on its duration and degree of compression, fetal hypoxia, brain damage and even death can occur. Exp ...
Find out what a cord prolapse is and how it might lead to umbilical cord compression.
child: Umbilical cord compression can result from, for example, entanglement of the cord, a knot in the cord, or a nuchal cord, (which is the wrapping of the umbilical cord around the fetal...
prolonged cord compression. Umbilical cord artery pH is a useful biomarker that provides more informative data to determine possible causes after birth [11]. Figure 1. During the cesarean...
Looking for information on umbilical cord prolapse? Learn the causes, treatment and the dangers of umbilical cord prolapse.
Cord prolapse was detected and was prepared for caesarian section meanwhile she was kept in knee chest position and bladder was filled with normal saline 0.9%. 30 min before operation she...
We used the radionuclide microsphere technique in nine fetal lambs to examine the effect of partial cord compression on distribution of cardiac output and O2 delivery to fetal organs and venous flo...