The UCLA School of Nursing is a nursing school affiliated with UCLA, and is located in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, California. The school is housed in the Doris and Louis Factor Health Sciences Building, known as the Factor Building, on the south end of UCLA's 400-plus-acre c...
Under the theme of 'Initiatives to Build a Competitive Healthcare System: Nursing Excellence', the 3rd HUMC-UCLA Joint International Conference was successfully held at Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital on November 14, 2017. The symposium attracted nearly 160 participants, including 10 prominent speakers in nursing department who joined the meeting to share expert knowledge on nursing excellence. Distinguished speakers from UCLA including Chief Nursing Executive Karen Grimley, Exec...
The UCLA School of Nursing is a Top 20 nursing school in the United States
팔로워 4,642명, 팔로잉 152명, 게시물 331개 - UCLA School of Nursing (@uclanursing)님의 Instagram 계정: 'UCLA prepares nursing scholars to academic excellence, innovative research, clinical practice, strong community partnerships & global initiatives.'
Tuition & Fees · Full-time: $27,361 per year (in-state) and $39,606 per year (out-of-state) ; Enrollment (ALL Programs) · 338 ; Programs Offered · Master's, Ph.D., DNP
Study finds workplace stressor associated with increased cholesterol ; Dr. Anthony Tolentino awarded Racial and Social Justice Seed Grant ; Using interactive storytelling to improve mental health outcomes
As a graduate of the School of Nursing, you are the cornerstone of our excellence, our greatest asset, and thus your continuing engagement with the School is vital to our success as an institution. We encourage you to stay connected with fellow nursing alumni, current and former nursing faculty, and current students. Increase your involvement in our nursing community by participating in School Alumni Events, organizing or hosting an alumni event in your city, updating your contact information, m...
info : Information Sessions, laptop_mac : Apply Now, question_mark : FAQ, contact_page : Contact Admissions
Nursing Students at UCLA. 좋아하는 사람 654명. Nursing Students at UCLA-CNSA (NS@UCLA-CNSA) represents the undergraduate nursing student body at the UCLA School...
캘리포니아 대학교 로스앤젤레스(UCLA 대학교)는 1919년 캘리포니아주에 설립된 미국 최상위 주립 대학교로 총 46,420명이 학부/대학원 과정 재학중이며, 학비는 국제학생 기준 $72,137 입니다. 2024년 학부 순위 15위, 주립대 순위 7년 연속 1위에 랭크되었습니다. 1919년 설립된 캘리포니아 대학교 로스앤젤레스 (이하 ULCA)는 미국 뿐만 아니라, 유럽, 아시아, 중동, 아프리카 할 것 없이 전...