Even though some lenders might provide you with a loan when you have a 450 credit score or below, you will likely have to pay high interest rates and fees, and these loans can be risky.
FICO scores remain the dominant metric used by creditors, but new scoring models are coming soon.
Hello everyone, I’m working on improving my credit score and have heard that using credit cards wisely can make a big difference. I’ve been...
Find out how you can tackle a bad credit score. Find ways to get approved for credit cards and loans and your other options.
Featured On: *Credit score is calculated based on FICO® Score 8 model. Your lender or insurer may use a different FICO® Score than FICO® Score 8, or another type of credit score...
The Upgrade Triple Cash Rewards Visa combines the flexibility and rewards structure of a credit card with the predictable payments of a personal loan.
Dear Kristin, I recently had a weird conversation with someone who told me that, under new mortgage lending rules, I can get a better deal on my mortgage if I have a lower credit score. This seems to defy logic. Can you clarify what this all means? · Signed, Confused in California
Consumer Reports shows you how to fix your credit score, noting that a low score undermines your ability to buy a house, go to college, or start a business. But how the scores are determined is oft...
Learn what credit score you need for a personal loan, how to get a personal loan with bad credit and how to improve your credit.
U.S. Bank Triple Cash cardholders earn bonus cashback in categories like gas stations and EV charging stations, and $100 in software credit each year.