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Undergraduate School of Tourism and Entertainment Tourism Sciences 호텔관광대학 (영문)

Professors ; Yang, Eunjung · Yoon, Ji Hwan · Lee, Gyehee · Lee, Seung Kon · Joo, Dongoh · Robert John Hart

School for Tourism and Hospitality - The Bronx, New York - NY | GreatSchools

4-year high school graduation rate ; AP course participation ; Percentage of students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes grades 9-12

Academy of Hospitality and Tourism - Brooklyn, New York - NY | GreatSchools

4-year high school graduation rate ; AP course participation ; Percentage of students enrolled in Dual Enrollment classes grades 9-12

School of Tourism - BERJAYA University College

Diploma in Tourism and Travel Management ; Diploma in Events Management ; Bachelor of Tourism Management (Hons) ; Bachelor of Events Management (Hons)

School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

웹사이트 : https://www.polyu.edu.hk/shtm/ 업계 : 고등 교육, 회사 규모 : 직원 51-200명, 유형 : 교육기관, 설립 : 1979, 전문 분야 : Hospitality and tourism management education and research: Convention & Events Management, Food & Beverage Management, Hospitality & Hotel Management, Hotel & Tourism Technology Management, Tourism Economics & Financial Management 및 and Tourism Management.

Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality

The EHL Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality (EHL SSTH) is a Swiss hotel management school located in Passugg, a village outside of Chur, Switzerland. The school was founded in 1966, and joined the EHL group in 2013. An average of 350 students from 30 different countries are educated ea...

CETT - Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy

질문 ; 일반 정보 : 이 프로그램에 대한 좀 더 많은 정보를 보내줄 수 있나요?, 프로그램 일정 : 이 프로그램에 지원 마감일은 언제인가요? · 해당 프로그램의 시작 날짜는 언제인가요?, 수업료 및 비용 : 이 프로그램의 이수 비용은 얼마인가요? · 이 프로그램을 할부로 지불할 수 있나요?, 프로그램 유형 및 기간 : 이 프로그램은 온라인에서 가능한가요? · 이 프로그램의 이수 기...

Home | Macao University of Tourism (UTM)

Highlights ; Programmes ; Admission ; Recognitions ; Training Units ; Research ; News Portal

School of Hospitality and Tourism

No matter your program, you’ll gain a competitive advantage with our innovative approach to hands-on learning. Our instructors are leaders and trailblazers in the industry, showcasing their diverse backgrounds and wealth of experience. Depending on your path, you’ll apply your knowledge in one of our unique live classrooms, from fine dining at the Highwood Kitchen + Bar to trip-planning at Destinations, North America’s only student-run travel centre. Our strong industry partnerships ensure...

CETT - Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy

Introduction ; CETT is the leading higher education school in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy, an affiliated center of the University of Barcelona. We have a true International vocation and our highly specialized team of professionals provide students with a model for knowledge creation and transfer, based on rigour, innovation and experience. Over 50 years, CETT has become a hub that connects people and links academia with the business and public administration sectors. We are committed to ...

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