Full-time Executive MBA programs offer an immersive learning environment for professionals with extensive work experience. These programs provide the opportunity to step back from daily responsibil...
10. University of California—Los Angeles (Anderson) ; Location: Los Angeles · Overall Best Business Schools rank: 18 (tie) · Fact: According to UCLA, the goal of its executive MBA program is to equip students with the "immediate skills" necessary to rise to a higher level of leadership. The school's 22-month EMBA curriculum allows individualization, since students can supplement required core classes with elective coursework that matches their personal interests, the website states. Learn ...
Executive MBA 과정은 4학기 동안 45학점 이상을 이수하여 경영학 석사(MBA)학위를 취득할 수 있는 2년 주말 과정입니다. 현재 CEO와 가까운 미래의 CEO를 지향하는 중역을 대상으로 차별화된 고품격의 집중교육을 제공합니다. 한 과목을 2주에 완료하는 모듈제 수업방식을 채택함으로써 선택과 집중이 요구되는 CEO 교육효과를 극대화하고, 토론과 사례발표, 팀 프로젝트 등 다양한 학습방...
Acceptance rate, 2023-24, DNP ; Avg. # of years of mgmt. experience, 2023-24 entrants, 9.2 ; Avg. # of years of work experience, 2023-24 entrants, 14.7 ; Graduation rate, 2020-23, 93% ; One-year retention rate, 2022-23, 94% ; Size of 2022-2023 graduating class, 255 ; Standardized testing required?, No ; Total approximate cost, $195,934 ; Yield, 2023–24, 77%
MBA는 전 세계적으로 가장 범용적으로 통용되는 학위 명칭 중 하나라서... 대부분 MBA라고 그대로 표기한다. # 경영학과의 석사 과정은 실무에 중점을 둔 MBA(Master of Business Administration)와 이론에 중점을 둔...
Many of the nation’s top business schools offer courses and programs tailored for executives that align with leaders’ demanding schedules.
1. Harvard University ; 2. University of Chicago (Booth) ; 3. Northwestern University (Kellogg) ; 4. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) ; 5. Columbia University ; 6. Stanford University ; 7. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross) ; 8. Duke University (Fuqua) ; 9. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan) ; 10. New York University (Stern)
[Executive MBA International Residency Program United States... than 10 years of experience, aiming to nurture creative... among the world's top 100 scholars. It was a week of honor and joy."
There is a seemingly endless number of part-time MBA programs, but only some can be considered the best. Those that made Fortune's list this year not only offer top-notch curriculums and access to...
Discover the best joint executive MBA programs with the QS EMBA Rankings 2019: Joint Programs.