as "the spice", is the fictional psychedelic drug central to the Dune series of science fiction novels by Frank Herbert and derivative works. In the series, the most essential and valuable...
Historically, the spice trade developed throughout the Indian subcontinent as well as in East Asia and the Middle East. Europe's demand for spices was among the economic and cultural...
The spice must flow 의 정의 @sa_ra_ It’s a reference to the book Dune by Frank Herbert. It’s sci-fi. Here “spice” is a drug which enables people to see the future, and it turns their whole eyeball blu...
Three people have died after taking what is thought to be the drug Spice, police say.
A man has been charged after three people died in Newcastle from taking what is believed to be the drug Spice. The three men, aged 23, 26 and 34, died over the course of last Friday and...
University of Bath research has found schoolchildren are smoking vapes spiked with the drug spice.
Three people die and 11 are in hospital after taking what is thought to be the drug Spice.
A teenager shares how he became addicted after trying the drug in a vape with school friends.
Five Lancashire students have been hospitalised after ingesting the drug
A group of police and crime commissioners (PCC) have called on the government to reclassify the drug spice as a Class A substance. In an open letter to the Home Office, more than 20...