The Dish is an American satirical television series that aired on the Style Network. The show premiered on August 16, 2008, hosted by Danielle Fishel, skewers the latest in pop culture...
Danielle Christine Fishel ( FI -shəl ; born May 5, 1981) is an American actress and... From August 2008 to March 2011, Fishel hosted The Dish for the Style Network, which satirized pop...
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Danielle Fishel chats with THR at the 'Wizards Beyond Waverly Place' premiere and dishes on directing a few episodes of the new show.
The Dish: With Danielle Fishel, NeNe Leakes, Christopher Flynn, Danny Casillas. Weekly show which takes a look at the best and worst of the world's fashion, style, news, events, magazines, and tele...
Laken Riley Murder Suspect Was 'Giggling' When Taken in for Questioning the Day After Killing: Police ; Nicole Kidman Says That Viral 2001 Meme Has Nothing to Do with Her Divorce from Tom Cruise: 'That Was from a Film’ ; Bride's Future Mother-in-Law Orders Bridesmaid Dress for Herself Behind Her Back: 'It Makes Me So Upset'
Born in Arizona, Danielle Fishel started acting as a child and was discovered while performing in community theater. She appeared in voiceover roles and commercials before booking a two-episode sti...
Series: Full House, Role: Jennifer P., Episode: 6x10 - I'm Not D.J., Airdate: December 1, 1992 ; Series: Full House, Role: Jennifer P., Episode: 6x17 - Silence Is Not Golden, Airdate: February 16, 1993 ; Series: Harry and the Hendersons, Role: Jessica, Episode: 3x30 - The Long Goodbyes (2), Airdate: June 18, 1993
Danielle Fishel dishes to E! News about her directorial debut with first movie "Classmates." Plus, find out how the "Boy Meets World" OG relates to her character Topanga.
Since 1993, Danielle Fishel has been best known—and in some circles, only known—as as the precociously odd (and now... on The Tyra Banks Show, Style network’s The Dish, and MSN TV’s...