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What is a Symmetric Encryption?

In this modern world where everyone is posting and consuming a lot of information from the internet, it is also an open window for attackers to get access to someone's personal data and tamper with it or make use of it for the loss of the owner, thus it becomes quite dangerous to let the data travel over the internet in it original format. This can be done using encryption of data that converts the data into some bogus information which will not be useful for anyone who doesn't know how we gain ...

Symmetric-key algorithm

Symmetric-key algorithms are algorithms for cryptography that use the same cryptographic keys for both the encryption of plaintext and the decryption of ciphertext. The keys may be identical, or there may be a simple transformation to go between the two keys. The keys, in practice, represe...

Difference Between Symmetric and Asymmetric Key Encryption

Symmetric Key Encryption, Asymmetric Key Encryption ; It only requires a single key for both encryption and decryption., It requires two keys, a public key and a private key, one to encrypt and the other to decrypt. ; The size of ciphertext is the same or smaller than the original plaintext., The size of ciphertext is the same or larger than the original plaintext. ; The encryption process is very fast., The encryption process is slow. ; It is used when a large amount of data needs to be transferred., It is used to transfer small amount of data. ; It only provides confidentiality., It provides confidentiality, authenticity, and non-repudiation. ; The length of key used is 128 or 256 bits, The length of key used is 2048 or higher ; In symmetric key encryption, resource utilization is low compared to asymmetric key encryption., In asymmetric key encryption, resource utilization is high. ; It is efficient as it is used for handling large amount of data., It is comparatively less efficient as it can handle a small amount of data. ; Security is lower as only one key is used for both encryption and decryption purposes., Security is higher as two keys are used, one for encryption and the other for decryption. ; The Mathematical Representation is as follows- P = D (K, E(K, P)) where K –> encryption and decryption key P –> plain text D –> Decryption E(K, P) –> Encryption of plain text using K, The Mathematical Representation is as follows- P = D(Kd, E (Ke,P)) where Ke –> encryption key Kd –> decryption key D –> Decryption E(Ke, P) –> Encryption of plain text using encryption key Ke. P –> plain text ; Examples: 3DES, AES, DES and RC4, Examples: Diffie-Hellman, ECC, El Gamal, DSA and RSA

Newest 'encryption-symmetric' Questions

Where to implement the encryption on access token in clean architecture of android? ; Handling Short Plaintexts in Format-Preserving Encryption: A Challenge with FF3 Algorithm Minimum Length Requirements [duplicate] ; Cannot decrypt with node.js encryptedstring using openssl in bash (symmetric encryption)

Cryptography - Encryption of files

Cryptography - Encryption of files ; File encryption is an encryption approach that converts your files to ciphertext, or unreadable data. Using this method makes sure that even if unauthorised people get access to your data, they will be unable to read the contents without the decryption key. In simple terms, encrypting files adds an extra layer of security to protect sensitive information from outsiders. In this chapter we will see different encryption techniques to encrypt the file data. So l...

What Is Symmetric Key Cryptography?

Symmetric key cryptography (or symmetric encryption) is a type of encryption scheme in which the same key is used both to encrypt and decrypt messages. Such a method of encoding information has been largely used in the past decades to facilitate secret communication between governments and militaries. Nowadays, symmetric key algorithms are widely applied in various types of computer systems to enhance data security. Symmetric encryption schemes rely on a single key that is shared between two or ...

Symmetric vs. asymmetric encryption: What's the difference? | TechTarget

Learn the key differences between symmetric vs. asymmetric encryption, including types of algorithms, pros and cons, and how to decide which to use.

Symmetric Encryption Cryptography in Java

Plain text: The plain text is the original message or data that is hidden from view through a cryptographic encryption algorithm. ; Cipher text: It is the output of Encryption operation when given key and plain text. It is also the data fed to a Decryption function. ; Key: The key is a piece of data or correlated pair of data when input with plain text into an encryption function yields ciphertext. The key must be secured as the algorithm is publicly available.

What Is Symmetric Encryption? Learn Symmetric Key Encryption - WhatIsMyIP.com®

Symmetric key cryptography is one way to protect your data. Learn what symmetric encryption is and how it works to secure information.

What is Symmetric Encryption? | Beginner's Guide

Symmetric encryption uses the same key for both encryption and decryption. Learn more about symmetric encryption now.

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