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Body Mass Index as a Measure of Obesity and Cut-Off for Surgical Eligibility - NCBI Bookshelf

Key Messages ; This report sought to identify, list, and annotate sources that reported findings regarding the accuracy and/or validity of body mass index as a measure of obesity or a cut-off for surgical eligibility, including reported ethical issues. A limited literature search was conducted, and 35 eligible sources were selected and annotated. Most studies with relevant findings regarding validity and/or accuracy reported discrepancies between body mass index and other measurements of obesity...

Surgical Treatment of Obesity - Endotext - NCBI Bookshelf

other procedures. The criteria for consideration of bariatric surgery include the presence of obesity (BMI > 30), a history of multiple attempts at weight reduction by non-surgical means...

Results of the surgical treatment of obesity.

Surgery for Obesity - An Update of a Randomized Trial ; Clinical outcome of gastric banding and gastric bypass in morbidly obese patients ; Gastric Bypass and Vertical Banded Gastroplasty- a Prospective Randomized Comparison and 5-Year Follow-up

Obesity and the Risk for Surgical Site Infection in Abdominal Surgery

Obesity is a risk factor for surgical site infection (SSI) after abdominal procedures; however, data characterizing the risk of SSI in obese patients during abdominal procedures are lacking. We hyp...

Surgical management of obesity

Weight loss surgery is the most effective intervention for addressing obesity and related metabolic disorders such as diabetes. We describe common surgical procedures as well as emerging and invest...

Medical and surgical options in the treatment of severe obesity

Many safe and effective surgical options for severe obesity are available. More scientific appraisals comparing different procedures and open and laparoscopic approaches are needed.

Bariatric surgery for severe obesity

Severe obesity is associated with multiple comorbidities and is refractory to dietary management with or without behavioral or drug therapies. There are a number of surgical procedures for the trea...

7 Types of Weight Loss Surgery: Requirements and How to Choose

Many types of weight loss surgery are available for treating obesity and overweight. It's estimated that 41.9% of people in the United States live with obesity.1

Surgical treatment for obesity

서론 ; 비만수술(bariatric surgery) 또는 비만대사수술(metabolic surgery)은 1950년대 중반 처음 소개된 이후 꾸준히 발전해 왔으며, 현재 고도비만 치료에 있어 장기적 효과가 있음이 입증되었다. 2000년대 이후 복강경의 발달과 수술에 대한 장기 효과에 관한 결과들이 발표되면서 시행 빈도가 급속하게 증가하고 있다. 국내에서도 2019년 1월부터 고도비만 환자에서 치료 목적으로 시행하는...

Bariatric Surgery Procedures - American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

Updated May 2021 | Written by the Public Education Committee · Weight loss surgery is also known as bariatric and metabolic surgery. These terms are used in order to reflect the impact of these operations on patients’ weight and the health of their metabolism (breakdown of food into energy). In addition to their ability to treat obesity, these operations are very effective in treating diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and high cholesterol, among many other diseases. These operations...

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