"술, 마약, 도박, 행동장애 등으로 고통 받는 사람들을 상담·조언해요" • 출현 배경 미국에서는 청소년층의 마약, 대마초, 헤로인 등 약물남용이 심각한 사회문제가 되고 있습니다. 이와 함께 아동에게서 많이...
Complete and maintain accurate records or reports regarding the patients' histories and progress, services provided, or other required information. ; Counsel clients or patients, individually or in group sessions, to assist in overcoming dependencies, adjusting to life, or making changes. ; Assess individuals' degree of drug dependency by collecting and analyzing urine samples.
Substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors advise people on a range of issues, such as those relating to alcoholism, addictions, or depression.
약물남용 행동장애상담사 표지.jpg
Find out more about the average substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselor salary and learn where the best-paying metropolitan areas are for a substance abuse and behavioral disorder counsel...
21-1011 Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors and 21-1014 Mental Health Counselors. National estimates for Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors...
Substance abuse counselors help people experiencing substance use and drug addiction problems. They provide treatment and support for people trying to overcome substance use disorders or...
Reviews and advice on finding the perfect substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselor job for you at US News Best Jobs.
Salary information and advice for substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors at US News Best Jobs.
Substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors advise people on a range of issues, such as those relating to alcoholism, addictions, or depression. They provide support, includi...