정가 : 90,010원, 판매가 : 73,800원 (18% 할인), YES포인트 : 3,690원 (5% 적립) + 마니아추가적립 · 5만원이상 구매 시 2천원 추가적립
Professional Cooking, 9e Study Guide | Wayne Gisslen (지은이), John Wiley & Sons Inc, 9781119505631, 100,210원, 외국도서 > 요리 > 요리방법 > 전문가
in cooking interventions reported having better self-esteem and quality of life, as well as a more positive emotional state after the fact. Another study even discovered that baking can...
so "The Cooking Gene" was born. - I originally started on a journey called the Southern... And that was a lot of the food that she was cooking and other people around her were cooking, but...
new study suggests. Researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan... DEMENTIA, STUDY FINDS This was the case regardless of the... new study suggests. (iStock) "Substituting olive oil intake for...
The consistency of the relationship between home cooking and dietary variables depended on study quality. In conclusion, the definitions of home cooking were inconsistent across studies...
Can you imagine if you went to your primary care doctor's office for cooking classes? What if... the study ended. These programs can even help patients with type 2 diabetes to eat healthier...
This study investigates the effects of three cooking methods (boiling, steaming and microwaving) on the nutritional and physical properties of cauliflowers, carrots and sweet potatoes; e-senses wer...
A recent study found what could be the earliest known evidence of ancient cooking: the leftovers of a fish dinner from 780,000 years ago.
In addition to the study on "Joy of Cooking" recipes, the Annals of Internal Medicine retracted a 2006 study this week that looked at people's ability to estimate the calories in meals. The...