배울 내용 ; Understand the different software development lifecycles, Waterfall, Agile, etc. ; Understand the goals and objectives of software testing ; Understand the essential concepts of software testing including Requirements, Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Test Sets, User Stories, and Use Cases
Learn how to develop software in Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) using Specflow - part of the Cucumber software family of tools for software testing automation.
We will develop a complete Billing Software with Python, PyQt5 and SQLite3 using QT Designer step by step from scratch
My first software development in python. Contribute to Devaraj-A/Software_Develop development by creating an account on GitHub.
Gather, prioritize requirements, develop software specification in close collaboration with a customer and users
Based on this analysis, the company can make a business decision to invest in further development.[17] After deciding to develop the software, the company is focused on delivering the...
지금부터 다루어 볼 언어는 C언어이다. C언어는 1972년 개발되었다. 지금까지 쓰이는 언어 중에는 가장 오래된 언어이다. 데니스 리치가 개발하였다. 왜 C언어일까? 데니스 리치는 우리 생활에 Windows...
Learn the basics of developing AUTOSAR classic software components in the Simulink environment.
Software Programming ... 전체 글 50 ; AI를 이용해 코로나 확진자를 예측 해보자! (1) ; 벡터의 내적 ; 벡터의 실수배 ; 벡터의 덧셈 ; 유리함수의 그래프 ; 벡터(Vector)의 기초와 상등 ; Bag of Words(BoW) ; 원-핫 인코딩(One-hot encoding) ; RNN(Recurrent Neural Network) ; 백준 2839번 설탕 배달(파이썬)
Learn more about developing software components according to ISO 26262 for Hitex customer Intenta GmbH.