Primo is a French startup that builds a software-as-a-service product that handles the IT needs of small and medium companies.
Glassdoor dug through its massive database to come up with this list of the best small companies in tech to work for.
The small firm effect is a theory that holds that smaller firms, or those companies with a small market capitalization, outperform larger companies.
The update comes after a public furor that large companies tapped the facility for hundreds of millions of dollars while thousands of small businesses have yet to receive funding.
SMALL COMPANY COALITION We Built It, We Maintain It, We Value It! .tp-caption.Slider-Title,.Slider-Title{color:rgba(255,255,255,1.00);font-size:50px;line-height:55px;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;
The government's $349 billion Paycheck Protection Program had to be thrown together quickly, and the criteria for which companies can receive benefits were kept loose.
With so many people still working from home, companies are cutting back on office space. That spells trouble for small businesses that depend on foot traffic.
and it was revealed that big public companies secured loans while hundreds of thousands of small businesses seeking relatively tiny amounts were left in limbo. Last week, the Small Business...
Resources ; Compliance Guide: Smaller Reporting Company Definition ; Press Release: SEC Expands the Scope of Smaller Public Companies that Qualify f… ; Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404: A Guide for Small Business
Typically, small-cap companies are not a safer investment than large-cap companies and tend to be risker given their greater volatility.