국제공인시험인증, 섬유, 가죽, 환경, 산업, 컨설팅, 공장평가, 신뢰성, KC, HiggIndex, ZDHC, 원인분석, 검사
국제공인시험인증, 섬유, 가죽, 환경, 산업, 컨설팅, 공장평가, 신뢰성, KC, HiggIndex, ZDHC, 원인분석, 검사
The type of service ( ToS ) field is the second byte of the IPv4 header. It has had various purposes over the years, and has been defined in different ways by five RFCs. Prior to the redefinition, the ToS field could specify a datagram's priority and request a route for low-latency, high-t...
As part of our ongoing work to support both JSON / JSON-LD and AnonCreds-like Credentials on cheqd, we want to create a new service type for schemas stored on-ledger (e.g. type: CL-Schema). Having...
Attribute service ; The Yield Analytics API and services are exposed via a REST based interface. It is intended to make development of custom functionality comfortable to developers experienced with Web 2.0, AJAX, REST, and service oriented development platforms. Developers should have familiarity with web-based application paradigms including AJAX, XML, JSON, and the HTTP(S) protocol prior to attempting development with the Yield Analytics API and services. The Attribute Service currently expos...
국제공인시험인증, 섬유, 가죽, 환경, 산업, 컨설팅, 공장평가, 신뢰성, KC, HiggIndex, ZDHC, 원인분석, 검사
국제공인시험인증, 섬유, 가죽, 환경, 산업, 컨설팅, 공장평가, 신뢰성, KC, HiggIndex, ZDHC, 원인분석, 검사
For IEEE 802.1ah provider backbone bridge (PBB) configurations, configure the service type for the service group in the customer routing instance (I-component).
국제공인시험인증, 섬유, 가죽, 환경, 산업, 컨설팅, 공장평가, 신뢰성, KC, HiggIndex, ZDHC, 원인분석, 검사
In Kubernetes, a Service is a method for exposing a network application that is running as one or more Pods in your cluster. A key aim of Services in Kubernetes is that you don't need to modify your existing application to use an unfamiliar service discovery mechanism. You can run code in Pods, whether this is a code designed for a cloud-native world, or an older app you've containerized. You use a Service to make that set of Pods available on the network so that clients can interact with it. .....