#33 Part-Time MBA Program ; #14 Entrepreneurship ; #6 Undergrad International Business ; Best On-Campus MBA Programs ; #19 Academic Standards ; #35 Career Outcomes ; #31 Best Business Program ; Top Veteran Friendly School
Academic Life at San Diego State University The most popular majors at San Diego State University include: Business Administration and Management, General; Psychology, General; Criminal Justice/Safety Studies; Health and Physical Education/Fitness, General; and Biology/Biological Sciences, General. What is SDSU known for academically? · SDSU offers bachelor’s degrees in 97 areas, master’s degrees in 84 areas and doctorates in 21 areas, as well as programs at regional microsites and around ...
1 SDSU College of Business Administration Leadership for the Global Marketplace 2 Did you... Entrepreneurship MBA 7 Leadership for the Global Marketplace MBA Corporate Partners College of...
Several SDSU programs improved in year-over-year rankings demonstrating the university's growing competitive nature.
#175in Best Engineering Schools (tie) ; in Aerospace / Aeronautical / Astronautical Engineering · in Biomedical Engineering / Bioengineering · in Civil Engineering · in Computer Engineering · in Electrical / Electronic / Communications Engineering · in Mechanical Engineering
ALI는 San Diego State University의 아름다운 캠퍼스 중앙에 자리 잡고 있습니다. SDSU는 California State University 시스템 중 가장 오래된 대학으로 수준 높은 교육을 제공하는 상위 6.7%의 미국 대학 중 하나입니다. 세계적으로 유명한 SDSU 경영 대학에는 미국에서 가장 국제적인 경영대학 프로그램이 있습니다. SDSU 부속 기관인 어학원은 SDSU 시설 이용과 미국 대학 생활에의 참여 기회를 포함한...
Fall 2025 admission cycle application dates: Accepted from 10/1/2024 through 2/1/2025 for information systems (MS), cybersecurity management (MS), supply chain innovation (MS), finance (MS), financial tax planning (MSBA), and global business development (MS) · Accepted from 10/1/2024 through 4/1/2025 for business administration (MBA) and accountancy (MS)
Overview ; Applicants: 127 · Acceptance Rate: 66% · Average Undergrad GPA 3.22 · Years Work Experience: 5.4 · Average Age: 27
SHARE ; The master’s degree program in speech-language pathology was ranked 12th in the nation and the College of Education was No. 48 out of 255 in the list of the best education schools . SDSU’s School of Public Health was 29th in its category, while audiology was 30th and physical therapy was ranked 53rd in their respective categories. SDSU’s part-time MBA program in the Fowler College of Business was also named 53rd in its category. Meanwhile, SDSU’s master’s degree in nursing was ...
pause Join the Fowler Family Advance Your Career with Fowler College of Business At SDSU’s Fowler College of Business, our programs are designed to help students build on the set of...