LLCs are owned by individuals, while corporations are owned by shareholders. Check out our guide to learn more about LLCs vs. corporations.
An LLC passes taxes to owners and protects their personal assets; an S corporation is a tax-filing status that allows a company to pass taxes to shareholders.
Selecting the correct business type can help your business succeed and flourish. Find out whether your company should be an LLC or an S corporation.
Trying to decide between forming an LLC or S Corp? Read about the advantages and disadvantages that each has. CT Corporation can help.
(or S Corp), for United States federal income tax, is a closely held corporation (or, in some cases, a limited liability company (LLC) or a partnership) that makes a valid election to be...
Learn the differences between an S-Corp vs. an LLC.
LLC and Corporation are types of business classifications that handle taxes, profits & legal liability differently which depend on your company's size & type.
An LLC can be taxed as an S corporation, but an S corp isn't always a good choice. Learn the tax options available to LLCs and the advantages and disadvantages of electing to be taxed as an S corp.
This page provides an overview of what S corporations are according to California.
Learn about LLC, Sole Proprietorship, S corporation, C corporation, Nonprofit, and more. Compare different business types and decide which one is right for you today.