A cloud-based POS system can drastically reshape your enterprise business management. Demo our cloud POS system today!
Revel Systems is a cloud-based point of sale and business management platform that helps restaurants and retailers with their businesses.
Revel Systems is an iPad-based point of sale system co-founded by Lisa Falzone and Christopher Ciabarra. In June 2024, it was announced that the company was acquired by Shift4. History Revel Systems was founded in 2010 in San Francisco. In May 2011, Revel received $3.7 million in funding f...
Revel Systems | LinkedIn 팔로워 20,588명 | The Heart of Your Business | Revel Systems is an open cloud order management platform for restaurant and retail brands at the heart of our clients’ business....
팔로워 2,367명, 팔로잉 1,420명, 게시물 1,424개 - Revel Systems (@revelsystems)님의 Instagram 계정: 'Revel is an open cloud order management platform for restaurant and retail brands at the heart of our clients’ business.'
@RevelSystems의 최신 포스트를 확인하세요. A @Shift4 company. Cloud order management platform transforming how commerce is done. Visit http://status.revelsystems.com for real-time system performance
Are you looking for a POS system with inventory management capabilities? Look no further than Revel’s cloud POS platform.
Proven Methodology ; Phased & Team Approach for Flexibility ; Drive Customer Ownership
약 710 명의 구독자를 보유한 Revel Systems POS의 유튜브. 약 200 개의 동영상이 있습니다. Revel’s point of sale and business solutions provide a native cloud technology...
GLV에 수차례 검증된 매칭을 바탕으로 안방에 아늑한 씨어터를 구축한 사례입니다. 영화/음악 감상의 몰입도를 최대한 향상시키기 위해 소프트웨어 수납장과 기기 랙을 모두 벽체에 매립하여 처리하였으며, 화면과 음향의 퀄리티를 최대한으로 향상시키기 위한 GLV만의 KNOW-HOW와 고객님의 아이디어가 복합적으로 잘 융합되어 매우 심플하면서도 고퀄리티의 시스템이 완성되었습니...