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Residential treatment center

In a locked residential treatment facility, clients' movements are restricted. By comparison, an unlocked residential treatment facility allows them to move about the facility with relative...

Residential treatment centers put profits over care, Senate finds

Children in residential treatment facilities are at risk for sexual abuse, dangerous physical restraints and overmedication, a landmark Senate report reveals.

Residential Treatment - Find a Therapist Today

Residential treatment and retreat-based therapy centers provide intensive therapy that is free from the distractions of home life.

Center for Living and Learning | Residential Treatment Facility

The Center for Living and Learning is a private non-profit Residential Treatment Facility housing adults who experience severe and persistent mental illnesses. We provide 24-hour residential...

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility | CHI Health

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility located in Omaha, Nebraska, is designed to treat children and adolescents ages 6 - 17 with a psychiatric disorder.

State Residential Treatment for Behavioral Health Conditions: Regulation and Policy | ASPE

ABSTRACT: Residential treatment facilities are a key component of states' behavioral health systems. They form part of the spectrum of treatment for both mental and substance use disorders (M/SUDs)...

Compare Adult Residential Psychiatric Treatment Centers in the USA - ARTA

Academy House ; Austen Riggs Center ; ClearView Communities ; Gateway Homes ; Hopeway ; Lifeskills South Florida ; Pasadena Villa Psychiatric Residential Treatment Centers" ; Spirit of Gheel ; WestBridge ; Angelus House at Wellspring

Residential Treatment Programs

Residential treatment programs provide intensive help for youth with serious emotional and behavior problems.

residential treatment - Skyland Trail

Skyland Trail's residential treatment gives clients time, space, and support to recover from mental illness. Learn more about our residential treatment.

Mental Health Residential Facilities for Adults with Mental Illness | ARTA

Find the best mental health facilities for adults needing residential psychiatric care for a serious mental illness. Compare ARTA's 26 member facilities.

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