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[Rapid opiate detoxification under anesthesia (RODA)]. | Sigma-Aldrich

[Rapid opiate detoxification under anesthesia (RODA)]. by N Dubols, C Hallet, D Luppens, M Ansseau, C Charlier. Revue medicale de Liege. Read more related scholarly scientific articles and abstracts.

Effect of ultra-rapid opiate detoxification on withdrawal syndrome

The aim of study was determine the effect of ultra-rapid opiate detoxification (UROD) on the presence or absence of withdrawal syndrome in a group of patients with opiate dependency. In this study,...

[Ultra-rapid detoxification of opiate dependent patients: review of the literatu

Ultra-rapid opiate detoxification represents a potentially safe and effective treatment for opiate addicted patients but more rigorous research methods are needed to render this procedure entirely...

Ultra-rapid Opiate Detoxification: a Clinical Investigation | European Psychiatr

Ultra-rapid Opiate Detoxification: a Clinical Investigation Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 April 2020 G. Bertschy,M. Monnat andA.T. Cucchia Show author details Article...

Ultra-rapid opiate detoxification using deep sedation and prior oral buprenorphi - 전자자원 상세

Ultra-rapid opiate detoxification using deep sedation and prior oral buprenorphine preparation: long-term results.

Rapid opiate detoxification under anesthesia (RODA)

Rapid Opiate Detoxification under Anesthesia (RODA) involves the use of opiate antagonists combined with anesthesia and pharmacotherapy to reduce withdrawal symptoms. The aim of our study was to me...

Ultra-rapid, antagonist-precipitated opiate detoxification under general anaesth

Ultra-rapid opiate withdrawal precipitated by naloxone or naltrexone during general anaesthesia or varying degrees of sedation, usually with the addition of α-2 adrenergic agonists, is an increasin...

Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification: current status and controversies.

This review delves into the theoretical and methodological aspects related to ultra-rapid opioid detoxification (opioid detoxification procedure using opioid antagonists, performed under general an...

Rapid opiate detox Vs. Traditional opiod detoxification | Rapid drug detox center

What is rapid opiate detox under anesthesia? Does it really work, whats the success rate and cost. Rapid drug detox center Europe.

[논문]Effect of Ultra-Rapid Opiate Detoxification on Withdrawal Syndrome - 과학기술 지식인프라 ScienceON ....

The aim of study was determine the effect of ultra-rapid opiate detoxification (UROD) on the presence or absence of withdrawal syndrome in a group of patients with opiate dependency. In this study,...

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