약어(Abbreviation), 영어(English), 뜻(Meaning) ; aa, of each, 각각 ; a. c., before meals, 식전 ; A. D., right ear, 오른쪽 귀 ; ad lib., at pleasure, 원하는 대로 ; A/G ratio, albumin/globulin ratio, 알부민 대 글로블린의 비율 ; a. j., ankle jerk, 비근경련, 과반사 ; A&P, auscultation and percussion, 청진과 타진 ; AP, anteroposterior, 전후의 ; AV, atrioventricular, arteriovenous, 동정맥의 ; B. B. T., basal body temperature, 기초체온 ; b. i. d., 하루 두 번, twice a day ; b. i.n., twice a night, 하루밤에 두 번 ; b. m., bowel movement, 장운동 ; B. M. R., basal metabolic rate, 기초대사율 ; BNA, Basle anatomic nomenclature, 바젤 해부학 명명법 ; B. P., blood pressure, 혈압 ; BPH, benign prostatic hypertrophy, 전립선비대 ; B. S., breath sounds, 호흡음 ; BUN, blood urea nitrogen, 혈액요소질소 ; C, centigrade, 섭씨 ; Ca, cancer, 암 ; cap., capsule, 캎셀 ; CBC(cbc), complete blood count, 완전혈구계산 ; cc, cubic centimeter, 1/1000 liter ; C. C., chief complaint, 주된 불평 ; CCU, cardiac care unit, 심장병 집중치료실 ; ., coronary care unit, . ; CHF, congestive heart failure, 출혈성 심마비 ; C. K., check, 조사 ; cm, centimeter, 센티미터(1/100 meter) ; cu., cubic, 입방의 ; C. N. S., central nervous system, 중추신경계 ; CO, carbon monoxide, 일산화탄소 ; CO2, carbon dioxide, 이산화탄소 ; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary, 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환 ; ., disease, . ; CPC, clinicopathological conference, 임상병리검토회 ; C. S. F., cerebrospinal fluid, 뇌척수액 ; C. S. M., cerebrospinal meningitis, 뇌척수막염 ; C. S. R., central supply room, 중앙공급실 ; CV, cardiovascular, 심장혈관의 ; CVA, cerebrovascular accident, 뇌졸증 ; CVD, cardiovascular disease, 심장혈관병 (증) ; CVS, cardiovascular system, 심장혈관계 ; Cx., cervix, 경(頸
Medical Abreviations commonly used by medical professionals that maximize efficiency and convey potentially thousands of medically related concepts.
Use this list of common medical abbreviations and terminology used by doctors, medical specialists, RNs, PAs, and other health-care professionals to help you read and decipher the information on yo...
(V20) Page 1 of 11 ABBREVIATION LIST FOR MEDICAL RECORD DOCUMENTATION ā before accel acceleration A&P anterior & posterior... Day of surgery D.R. Delivery Room D.T. delirium tremens D.W....
바이러스 A AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm [앱도미널]복부,[애r틱]대동맥,[애뉴리즘]동맥류... 과잉행동장애 A-Fib Atrial fibrillation 심방, 세동[파이벌r레이션] AIDS Acquired Immune...
Common medical abbreviations for medical transcription - Medical Abbreviations - A
An abbreviation may be a shortened form of a word with a trailing period. For example... [11] Full form Shortening Short form Source Doctor mid Dr D——r Professor end Prof. Prof... The...
v t e Medical abbreviations ← previous page of list (R) next page of list (T) → 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q... disorders Abbreviation Meaning s̅ without (s with an overbar)...
Medical Abbreviation List - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document lists and defines many common medical abbreviations used in va...
Ever wondered how healthcare professionals communicate complex information so efficiently? Dive into the world of medical abbreviations and acronyms—essential tools that transform lengthy terms lik...