Discover the top full-time MBA programmes in the world with the QS Global MBA Rankings 2025.
QS Business Masters Rankings QS Global MBA Rankings QS Graduate Employability Rankings 해당 대학의 졸업생 취업률(10%), 성공한 기업인의 모교 여부(25%), 학과별 산학연계(25%) 등등을 종합하여 대학의 순위를...
Discover the top full-time MBA programs in Asia with the QS Global MBA Rankings 2025.
Discover the top full-time MBA programs in Global with the QS Global MBA Rankings 2023.
Discover the top full-time MBA programs in United States with the QS Global MBA Rankings 2025.
영국의 QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)가 26일 공개한 ‘2025 QS 세계 MBA 순위(QS Global MBA Rankings 2025)’에서 연세대 경영대학이 세계82위에 오르며 국내 톱을 기록했다. 지난해 101-110위에서 올해 처음
Discover the top full-time MBA programs in Global with the QS Global MBA Rankings 2022.
Discover the top full-time MBA programs in Global with the QS Global MBA Rankings 2020.
Discover the top full-time MBA programs in Europe with the QS Global MBA Rankings 2022.
The QS World University Rankings is a portfolio of comparative college and university rankings compiled by Quacquarelli Symonds, a higher education analytics firm. Its first and earliest edition was published in collaboration with Times Higher Education ( THE ) magazine as Times Higher Edu...