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Argo project는 Git-Ops 및 CI/CD Pipeline 구성을 위한 Kubernetes-native 도구입니다. Argo project는 현재 CNCF(Cloud Native Computing Foundation)에서 Graduate 등급의 Maturity를 가지고 있으며, Argo Workflows / Argo CD / Argo Rol...
Contribute to comporg21/pipeline_template development by creating an account on GitHub.
Migrate current pipelines to standard pipeline templates : Documentation can be found at:
Discover how the UML Sequence Deployment Pipeline Template standardizes the deployment process, helping development teams.
Project Pipeline Manager is A Notion template designed to help freelancers, agencies, and other service providers manage multiple projects efficiently. It offers a clear overview of projects and a...
A template for a creating a new nextflow pipeline project. - GitHub - ikmb/nf-template: A template for a creating a new nextflow pipeline project.
Cookiecutter template for Python project using plugins for pipelines - GitHub - NextBridgeAnalytics/template-python-pipeline: Cookiecutter template for Python project using plugins for pipelines
Amazon SageMaker provides project templates that create the infrastructure you need to create an MLOps solution of ML models.
A blank universal render pipeline Unity project without any sample assets. - GitHub - adrian-miasik/unity-blank-urp-template: A blank universal render pipeline Unity project without any sample assets.