A police officer who was previously convicted in a lower court for engaging in prostitution during his college years has been acquitted in an appeal trial. Despite evidence of a monetary deposit an...
Boston police said 108 people were arrested near Emerson College at an anti-Israel encampment and four officers were injured in the process.
Police officers arrived at Columbia University and The City University of New York’s City College campus.
등록일: 오전 12:23:39 | CAMPUS: Coffee Campus STATUS: Part-time POSTING TYPE: Regular PostingThe Campus Police Officer… - 비슷한 채용공고 더 보기
A police officer watched bodycam footage believed to show the head teacher of Epsom College and her family after they were shot dead...
A suspected gunman was in custody after two campus officers were fatally shot at a private liberal arts college in Virginia on Tuesday, officials said.
등록일: 오후 11:05:37 | CAMPUS: Cook Campus STATUS: Part-time POSTING TYPE: Regular PostingThe Campus Police Officer guards… - 비슷한 채용공고 더 보기
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Bridgewater College in Virginia. Campus police officer John Painter and campus safety officer J.J. Jefferson were close with each other and the college's students, said David Bushman, the...
The Ohlone College community is again discussing the idea of equipping its police officers with guns.