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crm 판매용 사이트 개발 1차 개발은 규모가 크지 않아서 쇼핑몰이라고 하긴 그렇다고 생각하지만, 회사에서는 자꾸 쇼핑몰이라고 칭하여...
그누보드, 파이썬 게시판, PHP 게시판, python 게시판, fastapi 게시판, 무료게시판, 무료쇼핑몰, 영카트, 컨텐츠몰, 제작의뢰, 전자결제, 결제대행사, Python, CMS, 그누보드 - PHP CRM > 365ok IT뉴스
Customer relationship management is an approach to manage a company's interaction with current and... 인도 Delhi Delhi, India 110019
PHP Client to Access Agile Functionality. Contribute to agilecrm/php-api development by creating an account on GitHub.
Type ; src · Merge remote-tracking branch 'zoho-crm-client-wrapper/sandbox_by_defa… ; tests · [FEATURE] Use sandbox by default ; .gitignore · Update .gitignore
i-Net Solution provides PHP CRM software with tracking customer activity like website visits, phone calls and more. 6 Month free support, Brand free source code.
Contribute to QualityUnit/Crm-Api-Php-client development by creating an account on GitHub.
Compare the best free open source PHP CRM Software at SourceForge. List of free, secure and fast PHP CRM Software, projects, software, and downloads.
Download CRM, ERP and Accounting System for free. A multi-user, web-based Groupware/CRM/MRP suite developed using PHP. Current modules include: CRM/Address Book/Dashboard, Calendar, Accounting, ERP...