자료명/저자사항 : 유아교육철학 = The philosophy of early childhood education / 이원영 지음, 발행사항 : 서울 : 학지사, 2022, 청구기호 : 372.21 -22-6, 자료실 : [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대), [부산관] 주제자료실(2층) · 도서위치안내(부산관), 형태사항 : 286 p. : 삽화, 초상화 ; 23 cm, 표준번호/부호 : ISBN: 9788999725517, 제어번호 : MONO12022000003290, 주기사항 : 참고문헌(p. 273-278)과 색인 수록
자료명/저자사항 : Philosophy and pedagogy of early childhood / edited by Sandy Farquhar and E. Jayne White, 발행사항 : Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2016, 청구기호 : 372.2101 -A16-1, 자료실 : [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대), 형태사항 : xi, 153 p. : ill. ; 26 cm, 총서사항 : Educational philosophy and theory, 표준번호/부호 : ISBN: 9781138649057 (hbk), 제어번호 : MONO2201611943, 주기사항 : Includes bibliographical references a...
배울 내용 ; Students will gain a basic understanding of Montessori Philosophy and Materials covering all five curriculum areas. ; See examples of dozens of Montessori materials being used within classrooms ; Draw upon the expertise of several leading Montessorians and visit Montessori schools from all over the country.
자료명/저자사항 : 유아교육사조 : 유아교육의 역사와 철학 = philosophy and history of early childhood education / 곽노의 지음, 발행사항 : 서울 : 문음사, 2015, 청구기호 : 372.21 -15-114, 자료실 : [서울관] 서고(열람신청 후 1층 대출대), 형태사항 : 409 p. : 삽화 ; 25 cm, 표준번호/부호 : ISBN: 9788981685232, 제어번호 : MONO1201555091, 주기사항 : 참고문헌: p. 403-409
David Tricia, Kathy Goouch, Sacha Powell (엮은이) Routledge 2024-10-14 ; 정가 : 97,800원, 판매가 : 80,190원 (18% 할인) + 마일리지 4,010원, 수령예상일 : 택배 주문시 11월 19일 출고 (중구 서소문로 89-31 기준) 변경, 배송료 : 무료, 최대 5,000원 할인 : 쿠폰받기
Personal Philosophy of Early Childhood Education Six Important Reasons Why 1 The Goal of Early Childhood Education The goal of early childhood education is to properly support and development the l...
1 / 4 Zuleiha Awol Professor Carolene Charles ECED 104C History and Philosophy of Early Childhood Education My Philosophy on Early Childhood Education I...
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Early Childhood Education is designed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge, research skills, and leadership skills in early childhood education and care.
new philosophy - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Early childhood education is fundamental for children's development according t...
philosophy paper in apa format - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses Lorena Horne's early childhood education...