Paralegal Institute of Washington, D.C.의 구독자 순위, 평균 조회수, 슈퍼챗 수입, 유료 광고 영상의 실적 분석 리포트를 제공합니다.
COLUMBIA COLLEGE 소개 Columbia College는 급속하게 성장하는 관련 산업과 기업에서 필요로 하는 전문 인력을 양성한다는 목표 아래 1999년 설립되었습니다. 본교는 연방교육부 산하 대학 인증기관인CHEA(Council for Higher Education Accreditation)에 가입되어 있으며, COE(Council on Occupational Education)의 승인을 받아 세계 어느 대학에서도 학점을 인정 받을 수 있습니다. 또한, 연방 이민 서비스국(USCIS)과 학생 및 교환 방문자 정보 시스템(SEV ...
George Washington University’s Paralegal Studies program has met the approval of the American Bar Association for the excellence of its curriculum, faculty and administration, the only such program granted the designation in Washington, D.C. The ABA’s House of Delegates voted to approve the paralegal education program, housed in the College of Professional Studies (CPS), at the 2021 Annual Hybrid meeting in Chicago. GW joins 260 programs nationally that have met the organization’s requirem...
Organizations active in the field include: paralegal professional associations, the American Bar Association, the National Paralegal Institute, the Association of American Law Schools, and...
Listed In ; #writer · #Scholar · #Scholarship ; Invite users with similar interest ; Kat Cav ; Michael Neff ; Cristophoros A Beck ; Wendy Ryan ; Rivka Yerushalmi ; Salvatore Di Carlo ; Deepika ; Carlos Luis Ramos Garcia
in Washington, D.C., it was illegal for anyone to give a tour of the city for compensation without first takings a test and... the Institute for Justice to file a federal lawsuit, arguing...
in paralegal studies, said the day was a special moment for her and her family. Because of the safety precautions the university implemented, she felt safe enough to travel from Washington...
Alumni Profiles ; What is your background? · I received a BA in art history with a minor in Japanese literature from the University of Georgia in 2009. I became increasingly fascinated with the ever-evolving concept of culture. I broadened my research in the arts to encompass sociologists and political theorists to better understand the role arts and culture play in any given society. Prior to graduate school, my work experience had been limited to short runs in galleries and university admini...
David P. Long ; David P. Long, S.T.L., M.Phil., J.C.D. Dean, School of Professional Studies · (202) 319-5256
A photograph hanging in Cherry Farley’s home office in a neighborhood of big houses and big ambitions reminds her what it means to have no home at all. The image is an aerial view of Saigon, taken by her father from a helicopter as the family was fleeing Vietnam in 1975, when Farley was 10. The family wound up in North Carolina, where her parents found blue-collar jobs at a cotton mill. But they went to college at night and became engineers, an achievement that allowed Farley and her two sibli...