AI for Data ; Dev for Data ; Mission Critical for Data
Indexing Documents in Oracle ; In the previous post, I had demonstrated how to load documents into an Oracle Database. ; (Note : I am referring to documents as in PDF files, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and text files in the traditional sense, not "JSON documents"). ; Here I demonstrate how to use Oracle Text to create indexes and make such documents searchable. ; I assume that Oracle Text (the "CTXSYS" schema) has been installed when the database was created.
15 April, 2022 · A Fresh Look at AWR Reports --- 4 : SQL*Net Waits · After the first three posts on CPU Usage, Redo Size and I/O Profile, I present my interpretation of SQL*Net waits. From the same AWR Report as the first three reviews, I have extracted the specific SQL*Net waits from the Foreground Wait Events table: "SQL*Net more data from client" waits occur when the server process hasn't received the required data (e.g. an INSERT statement data) within 1 network packet and has to wait to receive more more. "SQL*Net more data to client" is ...
Tipps, HowTos und Best Practices rund um die Oracle Datenbank Administration
Then I insert 3 rows. I then rename the column "C" to "CLOB_COL". Next, I rename the LOB (Segment) to "MY_LOB_OBJECTS_CLOB". I include the Table Name because the LOB segment is an independent segment that I might query in USER_SEGMENTS (where Table Name) is not available. This RENAME LOB clause is new in 23ai and does not require the use of MOVE LOB. I then verify the new Segment Name for the LOB as well. Yes, the 2,304KB "size" seems excessive but this will make sense (with the COMPRESS attribu...
see Oracle Support Document "Initialization parameters in a... 1)" Since 12c Oracle has permitted Pluggable Databases with... Oracle stores the values for these changed parameters in the...
12c MultiTenant Posts -- 6 : Partial (aka Subset) Cloning of PDB ; Note : This is a 12.2 feature. Normally, if you clone a PDB, you'd get a full copy with all the tablespaces. Now, in 12.2, you can exclude non-essential tablespaces by specifying USER TABLESPACES -- those that you want cloned. (SYSTEM, SYSAUX and Local UNDO will certainly be cloned). Let me start with the "NEWPDB" PDB (that I've used in previous examples) that has one more schema and tablespace: Besides, the HEMANT objects in the MYDATA tablespace, I now have HR owning an EMPLOY ...
An Oracle Database DBA (Database Administration) Blog.
Oracle allows TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) for specific... SQL> create tablespace TDE_TARGET_TBS datafile '/opt/oracle... SQL> oracle19c>dd if=/opt/oracle/oradata/HEMANT/TDE_TARGET...
미국에서 DBA로 일할때 오라클 세미나(아마 2010년이었던 듯)를 들으러 맨하탄으로 나갔던 적이 있다. 거기서 봤던 사람들이 Tanel poder, Arup Nanda, Steven Feuerstein등 열 몇분 정도 되었던 것 같다. (Johnathan Lewis도 있었지 않았나 싶은데...) 자기들 각자의 세션이 모두 끝나고 나서 FAQ시간이 되니 다들 나와서 무대에 걸터 앉아서 자유롭게 질문과 답을 주고 받았던 모습이 아주 인상적이었...